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狼头呼叫狼中队!Wolf Leader to Wolf Squadron!

第七中队伤亡惨重。Squad Seven suffered many casualties.

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美国空军中队以这艘航空母舰为基地。The U.S. squadron was based on the carrier.

哇靠!A中队占领了一座碉堡!漂亮!Osean G Company A's captured an enemy pillbox!

对地攻击机中队里有惩罚措施吗?。A. D. Were there penal ground attack squadrons?

我们中队接受了任务,并且我们不能更改它。My brigade has its task and we can\'t change it.

目前,印度空军大约有32个中队,每个中队有18架战机。It currently has around 32, each comprising 18 aircraft.

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我们正派出一个中队的阴影战斗机下去支援。We're sending down a squadron of Shadow Fighters to assist.

每支中队下辖三支由4架战斗机组成的小队。Each squadron consists of three flights of four fighters each.

每一个队徽都是各中队自我期许的精神象徵。Each squadron's logo is a symbol of its spiritual aspirations.

快速装甲车中队有四个排,每个排装备了2辆T-32超轻型坦克。Equipped with T-32 it had four platoons each with 2 tankettes.

英国皇家空军111中队,在声明中说。Mark Gorringe, of the RAF s 111 Squadron, said in a statement.

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莱因哈特将军已经决定合并狼和骷髅中队。General Reinhardt has decided to merge Wolf and Skull squadrons.

麻三带人攻击了李双枪的二中队。Hemp discussed. these people attacked LiShuang gun two squadron.

侠盗中队被派遣到总部护卫舰“家园一号”上。The squadron was assigned to the Headquarters Frigate, Home One.

长官,各阴影战斗机中队遭遇激烈反击!Sir, the Shadow Fighter Squadrons are meeting intense opposition!

每支联队被分成六支由12架战斗机组成的中队。These wings are subdivided into six squadrons of 12 fighters each.

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炮兵连,炮兵中队部队炮兵单位,相当于步兵中的一个连。An army artillery unit, corresponding to a company in the infantry.

一个粗壮的中队的8-10维京人能胜任这份工作,你为。One stout squadron of 8-10 Vikings can do this job admirably for you.

医疗队的到来,受到了乌鲁克中队的热烈欢迎。The arrival of the medical team, warmly welcomed by the uruk squadron.