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哦那些芳香的繁盛的日子。Oh the balmy days and palmy days.

这一海港曾经有繁盛的海外贸易。This harbour teemed with oceangoing commerce.

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这个城市越来越繁盛了。The city is becoming more and more prosperous.

塔维拉曾经就是以金枪鱼捕捞业而繁盛一时的地区。Tavira used to be a place devoted to the tuna fishing.

但是,当这一古老的大陆解体时,生命变得更加繁盛。But when that ancient continent broke up, life got lusher.

我们进化于一个飞禽走兽,鸟语花香、山石林立、万物繁盛的自然世界,因而自然界是我们得到愉悦感与满足感的源泉。We get pleasure and fulfillment from the natural world.364

文艺创作的繁盛时期已经来到。The period of literary and artistic efflorescence has come.

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是人类的行为让老鼠繁盛兴旺。it was because of human behavior that the rats were thriving.

当地博物馆的馆长说“这就像一个武士的时代的繁盛。“It’s like a samurai boom,” says a curator at the local museum.

一度繁盛的蜂群几乎在一夜之间突然消失殆尽。Colonies that were once thriving suddenly went still, almost overnight.

花色最繁盛艳丽的地区是沿着冯杜山山脚附近。The most generous patches of colors are along the edge of Mont Ventoux.

曾经分割东西德的贫瘠走廊现如今已是草木繁盛。The once bare corridor separating former East and West Germany is now verdant.

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牙形石的三个繁盛期与古地磁极性倒转有关。Three prosperous periods of conodont have relation to Palaeomagnetism Reversal.

数据的开放为创新和价值生产的繁盛提供了一个平台。Open data provides a platform on which innovation and value generation can flourish.

在北极圈寒冷黑暗的水域中,生命像百万年来那样一直繁盛。In the cold, dark waters of the Arctic, life abounds as it has for millions of years.

玛琅古一家现在搬到了繁盛安全的南开普敦郊区凯尼尔沃思。The Mlungus have moved to the leafy—and safe—southern Cape Town suburb of Kenilworth.

而且很可能会出现一个创造和哲学思想的繁盛时期。And quite possibly there would be a flourishing of creative and philosophical thought.

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英国乡村的欧洲林蛙变少了,而城镇中却繁盛起来。And the frog Rana temporaria declined in the English countryside but thrived in towns.

但在突如其来繁盛的光辉之外,房市泡沫开始形成。But beyond the glow of this sudden efflorescence , a housing bubble had begun to form.

忽必烈时代是元杂剧成熟并繁盛的时期。The times of Kublai Khan was the mature and flourishing period of Kublai Khan Yuan Zaju.