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我喜欢有小肚子的消防员。I like firefighters with love handle.

缩得厉害,小肚子也疼得厉害。Yes, terrible contractions and pain in lower abdomen, too.

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女朋友小肚子疼是怎么回事?。Is girlfriend small collywobbles how to return a responsibility?

然而,我却被他的小肚子和带着酒窝的脸蛋迷惑了。However, I am enthralled with his squishy belly and dimpled cheeks.

而小肚子就纯粹是由大量脂肪肥肉堆积所致!The belly bulge is a lot of fat for purely due to fat accumulation!

如果猫猫肚皮朝天躺着,说明它希望你揉揉它可爱的小肚子。If the kitty exposes their belly, it is an invitation for a tummy rub.

他们胖胖的小肚子表明,他们在这里已经有一段时间了。Their fat little bellies showed that they had been here for some time.

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你有没有把你怀孕小肚子的裸相卖到网上去呢?Are you selling pictures of your bare baby bump to perverts on the Internet?

她的同伴身材高大,肌肉松弛,他的小肚子从T恤衫下突出来。Her partner was tall and flabby, his stomach protruding from under his T-shirt.

罗纳尔迪尼奥一直在努力训练,他已经没有了小肚子,他很瘦,很苗条。Dinho has been training hard and has already lost his belly, he's thin and taut.

一块救命糖-跟巧克力一样早早就落了旺旺的小肚子了,圆圈代表我对你的爱永远也不会停歇。A piece of Lifesavers candy-a circle to show that my love for you will never end.

注意晚上九点以后不宜吃西瓜,容易长小腹和小肚子。Note after nine PM should not eat watermelon, easy long lower abdomen and stomach.

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请先摸摸你那红嫩的小脸,再摸摸你的小肚子!Touch your Na Gong's tender little face first please, feel your little stomach again!

她还那么小,虽已不在襁褓,但也只是蹒跚学步,还挺着那圆溜溜的小肚子。She was such a tiny thing, between an infant and a toddler, with such a round little tummy.

我有着性感的平平的小肚子,圆滚滚的屁股和常年比赛锻炼出来的强壮的大腿。I had a sexy flat stomach, a bubble butt and a well-developed thigh from years of ski racing.

使用户喜欢你,只要你做到让他们挠你的小肚子,你就可以卖给他任何东西。Make the customer like you, if you can get him to scratch your belly, you can sell him anything.

他的脸很宽,还有一个圆滚滚的小肚子,当他哈哈大笑的时候,抖起来像个装满果冻的碗。He had a broad face, and a round little belly, that shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of jelly.

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有的则会继续挑战社会中的各种标准,努力让女人们喜欢上那些小肚子外露的时装男模。Others would try and change the standards and try to get women to like male models with beer bellies.

但鼓鼓的小肚子是偶从懂得爱美以来最大的痛。But the little stomach of bosomy strike is occasionally from the biggest since knowing love beauty painful.

如果你的父母或其他近亲有小肚子,那么你也很可能会有。If your parents or other close relatives carry extra weight around the abdomen, you're likely to do the same.