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只要记住不要无中生有乱加力Just don't add stuff that's not there.

第二,具体补白,无中生有。Second, specific padding out of nothing.

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关于卡刚严苛评级的坏名声属无中生有。Kagan's reputation as a harsh grader is unfounded.

他的律师回应说,这些指控是无中生有。But his lawyer said the new charges are "invented".

人们对下一代的未来的关心。文中也没有提到,属于无中生有。People's concern for the future of the next generation.

这仍然是在反对那些无中生有、混淆黑白的花言巧语。This means I oppose fabrication, deception and flowery language.

或许我现在也在制造一些无中生有的噪音罢了。Or maybe I'm just contributing to the blaring non-issue alarmism here.

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我猜想,你会发现你的许多猜测是无中生有。I suspect that you'll discover that many of your assumptions are incorrect.

原因很简单,惠特森先生向我们解释道,他讲的乌有猫那一套东西都是无中生有编出来的。Very simple, Mr. Whitson explained. He had made up all that stuff about the cattywampus.

有关报道纯属无中生有,我们对此表示强烈不满。We express strong dissatisfaction over the relevant report which is complete fabrication.

所谓中国政府支持“黑客”攻击的说法纯属无中生有,是别有用心的。The allegation that the Chinese Government supports hacking is a sheer fabrication with an ulterior motive.

川汽所属的四川富临实业集团董事长安治富称,“纯属无中生有,肯定没有这回事。"There is no such thing at all, " said An Zhifu, board director of the Sichuan Fulin Industrial Group Co. Ltd.

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父亲总是当着我和姐妹们的面称赞母亲,因为她从不会说些无中生有的感觉。My father was always praising her to my sisters and to me, be- cause she pretended to nothing she did not feel.

所谓“罗泉井会议”纯系子虚乌有,其历史意义亦属无中生有。The so-called Zizhou Luoquanjing Meeting does not exist in history, not to speak of its historical significance.

自从公布阿帕奇直升机视频以来,一些人无中生有,用下三滥的手段,意图诽谤“维基解密”。Since the release of the Apache helicopter video, there has been some evidence of low-level attempts to smear Wikileaks.

当这种事发生的时候,就好像是无中生有地变出了一天似的,差不多一直在屋子里上窜下跳。When that happens we pretty well prance around the house like we've somehow magically manufactured a day out of thin air.

当这种事发生的时候,就好像是无中生有地变出了一天似的,差不多一直在屋子里上窜下跳。When that happens we pretty well prance around the house like we’ve somehow magically manufactured a day out of thin air.

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现在的问题是,国外一些人热衷于捏造所谓中国网络间谍的谣言,其说法完全是无中生有。The current problem is that some people overseas are indulged in fabricating the sheer lies of the so-called cyber-spies in China.

现在的问题是,国外一些人热衷于捏造所谓中国网络间谍的谣言,其说法完全是无中生有。The current problem is that some people overseas are indulged in fabricating the sheer lies of the so-called cyber-spies in China.

这清楚地展示了衍生品与合成证券,如何被用来无中生有地创造虚有价值。This is a clear demonstration of how derivatives and synthetic securities have been used to create imaginary value out of thin air.