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这种机器叫水利启闭机。This machine is called water Hoist.

水利建设成就显著。Notable achievements made in water conservancy.

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林业、水利建设取得新进展。Forestry and water conservancy made new progress.

水利电力出版社,1983。Water Conservancy and Electric Power Press, 1983.

水利,电力,能源。Water conservancy, Power Industry, Energy Sources.

坝,水栅,暗礁,反转,坑,和水利设施。Dams, weirs, ledges, reversals, holes, and hydraulics.

Sieghart是也门水利和环境部的一位环境管理专家,她对也门的水资源问题再也熟悉不过了。Sieghart is all too well aware of Yemen's water problems.

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贵州水利资源丰富,有众多大河小溪。Guizhou is rich in many water courses, streams and rivers.

“上善若水,水利万物而不争”。The good is like water, water all things without contention.

我们紧挨着的加拿大南部地区蕴含巨大的仍未开发利用的水利资源。We are just south of huge untapped hydro resources in Canada.

文章就山西水利旅游发展状况作了初步探讨。This article has some discussion on its development situation.

李冰在担任秦国蜀郡守期间修建了这个水利系统。Libing, a governor of Shu in the Qin state, created the system.

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大力兴修水利,发展农业生产。Water conservancy, vigorously developing agricultural production.

郭守敬是中国古代著名的水利工程师和数学家。He is a famous ancient Chinese hydraulic engineer and mathematician.

我的爸爸在公路部门上班,我的妈妈在水利部门上班。My father work in the road sector, my mother work in the water sector.

大广坝水利水电枢纽是海南省最大的水电工程。The Daguangba project is the largest hydro project in Hainan Province.

国家提供了大量资金来兴修水利。The state provides large sums of money for water conservancy projects.

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它还是世界上最大的水利管理的企业之一。It also has one of the largest water management businesses in the world.

该地区的水利部门给人民提供足够的水。The water department in this area provides people with sufficient water.

该模型对水利部门调度决策有一定的参考价值。The model has proved useful for the decision-making of water conservancy.