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是学习中国武术理想入门拳法。It is a ideal rudimental form of chinese Wushu.

在拳击比赛中组合拳是一种常用的拳法。Combined boxing is a common boxing in the boxing match.

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直拳是拳击技术中的一种基本拳法,也是拳击最关键的动作。Straight is one of a basic and crucial boxing technique.

这也是拳法中讲的“上下相随”之理。This is what the fist rules told "follow each other the up and down".

它是一种集内家拳法和近打于一身的拳术。It is a set of boxing within the home and nearly a dozen in the boxing.

它是一种集内家拳法和近打于一身的拳术。It is a set of boxing and within the family to play in one of boxing past.

他们不无得意地说,1900年义和团运动用的就是这套拳法。This discipline, they proudly claim, spearheaded the Boxer Uprising of 1900.

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从理论上讲,任意两种或多种拳法之间都可以组合。Theoretically, two or three pugilistic tactics of any kind can be combined together.

车式形意拳十分注重技击,是很难学的拳法。Che's kungfu is a fist position difficult to learn, it depends a lot on attacking skills.

拳击的拳法非常细腻,出拳速度快,拳法准确,组合动作多变。Boxing boxing is very delicate, punch speed, boxing is accurate, changeable combination action.

少林功夫博大精深,其体系从软硬功夫到拳法器械,无所不及。Shaolin Kung Fu profound, its system from the hard and soft martial arts to boxing equipment, nothing less.

太极就是一个圆圈,太极拳也就是由无数的圆圈连贯而成的一种拳法。Taiji is like a circle. Chinese traditional shadow boxing is a boxing consisting of unlimited consecutive circles.

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拳法、腿法技术运用结构变化不大,但是得分情况出现较大变化。Although the techniques of fist and leg have no significant changes, the score of fist and leg emerged obvious changes.

五行拳是形意拳系中最基本的拳法也称之为形意母拳。Xingyi Five-element Boxing also called Xingyi Mother Boxing is the most basic fist technique in the series of Xingyi Quan.

长拳是在太极之后的又一套拳法,据老师说必须3分钟内完成,超过了3分钟就是0分。Changquan in Tai Chi after another set of boxing, it was said that teachers must be completed within 3 minutes, 3 minutes is more than 0.

前已述及,“剑劲”就是通过内功和拳法的练习所得到的内外劲力在“剑法”上的运用。As was talked above, "Sword energy " means the produced inner and exterior energy by practising Neigong and fist rule exercises is exerted on "sword rule".

其拳法结构严谨清晰、攻防意识鲜明、手法多变、步法走闪灵活、劲力刚脆精巧。The structure of this martial art is strict and neat, with clear attack and defence consciousness, various hand forms, agile footwork, neat delicate strength.

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1993年被中国武当山武当拳法研究会聘为“中国武当山武当拳法功法研究会特邀研究员”。Wudang Mountain in 1993 by the Chinese Research Association of Wudang boxing appointed "Wudang Wudang boxing in China will be a guest researcher of power law."

散手比赛则是对抗赛,分为不同重量级别比赛,以运动员的拳法、腿法等技术项目评分。In free sparring, players compete in various classes of weights and the performance and participants are scored on their technique, including striking and footwork.

吃豆人的步法和他的拳法一样快,加之他那流畅的进退腾挪,使得他成为近十年来最可怕的----贴身进攻及后撤防守专家。The Pac-Man's feet are just as fast as his fists and his fluid in-and-out movement have made him one of the most devastating stick-and-move specialists of the decade.