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我在一家外资企业工作。I'm in a foreign enterprise.

学校是否具有聘外资格?。Is the school SAFEA authorized to employ?

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如何选择新的外资公司的中文名称?How can a Chinese name of a new WFOE be chosen?

第四章系统论述外资并购的反垄断审查制度。Chapter 4 discusses the examining system of FIMA.

利用外资水平进一步提高。The utilization of foreign capital further improved.

今天中国大约有1,000家外资所有的研发实验室。China today hosts about 1, 000 foreign-owned R&D labs.

全国吸收外资区域分布情况。On the geographical distribution of foreign investment.

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中国吸引外资已经有相当一段时间了。China has been attracting foreign capital for some time.

即使是外资控制的公司,你们也不会知道。You don’t know if it’s a foreign-controlled corporation.

后经济危机时代,外资银行在中国的业务将迅速扩张。Foreign banks boost expansion in China in post-crisis era.

美国还是中国最大的外资来源地。The US is the No. 1 source of foreign investment in China.

泰国现在也是老挝最大的外资投资方之一。Thailand now also tops the list of Laos’ foreign investors.

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特瑞公司的客户通常为外资企业。Tradex Customers are normally Foreign Invested Enterprises.

殷为外资的育进,该地区会发生很大蹭集。Great changes are in in this area due to foreign investment.

为什么俄罗斯在吸引外资方面遭遇失败呢?Why did Russia fail in attracting foreign direct investment?

外资受到欢迎,但贪污侵蚀了利润。Foreign investors are welcome, but corruption devours profits.

这可望带动大量民资和外资的跟进。This is expected to drive large private and foreign follow-up.

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那么应如何加强对我国外资银行的监管?。What should we do to strengthen the FRS to these foreign banks?

麦考林是中国第一家外资邮购企业。Mecoxlane is the first foreign-owned mailorder company in China.

它在中国的销售额也是所有外资企业中最大的。Its sales volume was the biggest of any foreign company in China.