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其歌若悠扬丝竹。Its songs made of silk.

舒展成一曲悠扬的歌。Stretching into a song melodious.

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我悠扬的笛音在悲鸣。At the sorrow of my sweet pipings.

带来远处悠扬的琴声。Then brings the melodious tweedle.

我跑着跑着,忽然有悠扬的琴声传来。I suddenly the sound of melodious sound.

琴韵悠扬。Sweet music was being played on the lute.

悠扬的钟声,意味着一个崭新的起点。Melodious bell , mean a brand-new starting point.

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琴曲悠扬笛声脆。Melodious Sounds of stringed instrument and flute.

第二乐章是有名的悠扬的行板。Its second movement is the famous Andante Cantabile.

宁静致远,生活的悠扬旋律。Succeeds by a quiet attitude , life melodious melody.

捕禽人笛声悠扬,直吹得鸟儿落网。The fowler's pipe sounds sweet until the bird is caught.

这些悠扬的小夜曲真令人难忘,是吧?。Those melodious serenades are unforgettable, aren't they?

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韩娥的歌声悠扬悦耳,吸引了很多的过路人。Her songs sounded melodious and attracted many passers-by.

故事的旋律不会如此悠扬跌宕。The melody of the story won't be so euphonious and undulatory.

青春如歌,悠扬而富有韵律,广阔而不失深邃。Youth is a song melodious and rhythmic, meaningful and profound.

随着浅浅溪水的哗哗流响,鸟儿欢乐歌唱,婉啭悠扬。By shallow rivers, to whose falls Melodious birds sing madrigals.

倾听悠扬的音乐,徒劳的恐惧与小小的妒嫉都将成为过去。Listen to sweet music, your foolish fearspetty jealousies will pass away.

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教堂的钟声,沉淀了幸福所有的旋律,悠扬的传开。The church bells, precipitated the happiness all the melodies, melodious.

当我回到家的时候,还能听到我女儿悠扬的笛声。When I came back, I still could hear my daughter's melodious flute sound.

杏声悠扬美妙的歌声为典礼揭开序幕。SingSong chorus's wonderful singing opened the preface of the commencement.