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他是山林之王,这里山山水水的主人。He is Master of wood, water, and hill.

中国的山山水水使很多老外着迷。China's landscape fascinates lots of foreigners.

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她的山山水水在我看来是再熟悉不过了。Her scenery of mountain and water seemed like no more familiar to me.

我对家乡的山山水水怀有深沉的感情。I have a strong attachment to the mountains and rivers in my hometown.

勘探队踏遍了祖国的山山水水。The prospecting team has traversed the length and breadth of the land.

他几乎写遍了湖州的山山水水和风物风貌。His poems cover almost all the scenery with hills and waters of Huzhou.

苏珊过不惯城市生活,非常想念她家乡的山山水水。Unaccustomed to city life, Susan pined for her native hills and streams.

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整个春天和夏天,我们游览了全国各地的风景名胜,游遍了这片令人无比珍爱的山山水水。All spring and summer, we visited national landmarks and treasured lands.

不过,它的不切实际的生活像一个隐士之间的山山水水。However, it's unrealistic to live like a hermit among rivers and mountains.

苏珊过不惯城市生活,非常想念她家乡的山山水水。Unaccustomed to city life, Susan languished over her native hills and streams.

在不久的将来,她要游遍中国的山山水水,不过现在,她每天还要忙着教书。In the future, she plans to travel around China, but for now, she's busy teaching!

山山水水,朦胧在漫天的雨幕中闪动。The whole landscape becomes misty and glittering in the rain curtain covering the sky.

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真心希望我们能够再次相聚,到时候我会带着你们饱览菲律宾的山山水水。I hope I'll meet you again someday and tour you around the best places in the Philippines.

我非常喜欢那里,哪里的山山水水,尤其是那一片青翠欲滴的竹子林。I really like there, where mountains and rivers, especially those a lush green bamboo stand.

游人把赞叹,把快乐,把欢歌笑语洒遍了桃林口的山山水水。Visitors to the praise of the happy, the song and laughter Sabian Taolinkou of the mountains and rivers.

越来越多的人喜欢亲近自然,在山山水水中找寻返璞归真的灵气。More and more people incline to getting close to nature to look for primitive inspiration from mountains and rivers.

由于您的行动,这里的山山水水、这里的人们、后来的游客,都会感激您。Just for your doing, the mountains and waters here, the local people and the following visitors, will appreciate you.

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在他经历了富贵繁华,退居颖州西湖之后,欧更是在山山水水中领悟了“自然之道”,开始了他从容恬适的山水人生。After he retired, he lived at West Lake in Yingzhou, he comprehended "the way of nature" and began his leisurable life.

十几年来,作为记者,我跑遍了这里的山山水水,采访了许多行业的许多人。Over the past decade as a reporter, I traveled all over the mountains and rivers here , interviewed a lot of people in many industries.

一个虚构的佛家境界化作了一个地方的真实名字,让这地方的山山水水笼罩了一层神秘的宗教色彩。A fictional Buddhist realm into a local real name , so that the local rivers and mountains shrouded in a mysterious religious overtones.