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冯·特普家庭合唱组。The Von Trapp family singers.

就知牠昨夜去合唱。I knew he chorused last night.

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你是说合唱和弗兰格效果兼有吗?Did you say chorus and flanger?

它们的蜕变,它们的合唱。Their metamorphosis, their choruses.

初级班教师,合唱教师,舞蹈教师。Level 1, Music and Jr. Dance Teacher.

他曾帮助创作合唱交响曲。He helped to accouche choral symphony.

鸟儿的合唱已经停歇。The bird-chorus has run out of breath.

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我们全都劲头十足地加入了合唱。All of us joined lustily in the chorus.

这首合唱曲目是英语和非洲语唱的。The chorus is a mix of Yoruba and English.

好感动,希望他们的新专辑能再有两人合唱的歌曲啊!OMG, how I wish I can b there. So touching.

难以承受的,混响,颤音和立体声合唱。Sustain, reverb, vibrato and stereo chorus.

一块儿歌唱可爱的合唱调“哈,哈,嘻!”To sing the sweet chorus of "Ha, Ha, He! ""

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我一整天都在测试合唱单块呢,美好的一天。I'm having a good day testing chorus pedals.

她在那儿一个很大的合唱团里唱歌。and she sings in a quite, a big choir there.

既有合唱、朗诵,也有独唱、独奏与合奏。It also has chorus, elocnte, and solo, tutti.

合唱是集体的声乐表演艺术。Chorus is a collective vocality performing art.

曾经攞过好多合唱歌曲奖既歌。This song have got a lot of awards in hong kong.

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他们表演一开始先是一个混声合唱。They teed off their programme with a mixed chorus.

珍妮领唱,其他人参加合唱。Jenny sang the lead. the rest joined in the chorus.

演出在合唱声中圆满结束。The performance was rounded off with group-singing.