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她赡养老母亲。She supports her old mother.

汉特是他一家的主要赡养者。Hunter is the chief support of the family.

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他有义务帮助赡养父母。He has an obligation to help support his parents.

他是他可怜的老母亲的唯一赡养者。He is the only support that his poor old mother has.

一个人如果连父母都不赡养,就不称其为人了。A man is nothing who doesn't provide for his parents.

一个人如果连父母都不赡养,就不称其为人了。A man is nothing who doesn't provide ror his parents.

他知道,杜·奎斯奈夫人赡养残废的丈夫。Mrs. DU Quesnay, he knew, supported an invalid husband.

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杰姆是个穷苦的机工,他还得赡养母亲和姑母。Jem was a poor mechanic , with a mother and aunt to keep.

这家伙不赡养父母,真是个混蛋。That guy is a bastard, he refuses to support his parents.

子女不能不履行赡养父母的义务。Children cannot be relieved from supporting their parents.

看到没有一个孩子愿意赡养老人真的让人很悲哀。It is sad to see none of them is willing to receive their father.

他把房子给了他的妻子,他来赡养自己的父母。He gave his house to his ex-wife, and pays to support his parents.

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就是那次回家,让丽萍坚定了要赡养两位老人”的信念。Is the home, let my wife was determined to support the old beliefs.

我的目标就是努力学习,找到一个好工作,挣足够多的钱来赡养我的家人。My goal is to study hard, get a good job and provide for my family.

每位子女都负有赡养老人的责任和义务。Every child bares the responsibility and obligation of supporting the old.

我希望他能留更多的私房钱赡养老母并且不被妻子发现。I hope he can get as much case-dough as he can without being caught by his wife.

另一方面,儿子留在家里,在长大后要赡养父母。Sons, on the other hand, stay home and take care of the parents as they grow old.

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今年30岁的Sujith是家中主要的经济支助并赡养着他年迈的父母。At 30 years of age, Sujith, is the main breadwinner and supports his elderly parents.

由政府建立一个社会保障体系赡养老人还远远不够。It's not enough for the government to build a social-security system to suport the old.

然而在西方,一个衰减的,正处于劳动年龄的人口群将支撑着更多的受赡养者。Yet in the west, a diminishing working-age population will support ever more dependents.