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全世界瞠目惊悚。All the world wondered.

或刺激,或惊悚,看看书。Horror! Check out a book.

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佛洛瑞的这个病例,是一个很令人惊悚的文本。It is a sensational text, this case of Florie.

疯人院势必会带给你一个惊悚的夜晚。Bedlam is bound to bring a shiver to your evenings.

对。-有点儿像一个惊悚名人传记电影。对吗?Right. -It's like a thriller biopic, sort of. Right?

如果你不喜欢惊悚,就别去看恐怖片。And if you don't like scary, don't watch a horror movie.

是什么促使你写这本吸血鬼题材的惊悚小说的?What made you want to write vampire-themed horror novels?

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阿卡德还制作了深受欢迎的万圣节系列惊悚影片。Akkad also produced the popular Halloween horror film series.

我目前在重写很早以前打稿的一个少女惊悚系列。I'm currently rewriting a girls’ horror series I wrote long ago.

如同一个传统的惊悚小说,这是一个基于各种选择的小说。Like a traditional thriller, this is a novel based upon choices.

在这惊悚之夜,国王与暴风雨一道俄然光降。With the storm has come of a sudden our king of the fearful night.

这是一款第一人称惊悚游戏,严重专注于解谜要素。It is a first-person horror game, heavily focused on puzzle solving.

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当然,在一部动作冒险惊悚片中,事情没有那么简单。Of course, nothing can be that easy in an action-adventure thriller.

是一部惊悚动作片,而且有不少知名的大卡司担纲,这部片是在有体育馆座位的大银幕播映。It's an action-horror flick and there are a lot of famous celebrities in it.

这是一个对斯洛文尼亚电影来说很不寻常的惊悚故事。This story is a sort of a thriller, which is quite unusual for Slovene films.

八年前,他出版了一部惊悚小说“戴面纱的人”,主人公是美国驻阿尔及尔的一名外交官,他与恐怖分子斗智斗勇,并最终挫败了恐怖分子们占领美国大使馆的阴谋。Eight years ago, he published a pulp thriller called "The People of the Veil."

整个场面极其惊悚,但似乎屋子里没有一个人感到震惊。It's a pretty freaky scene, but no one in the room seems particularly shocked.

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娜塔莉波特曼的惊悚红眼睛永远留在你手背上。明智么?Natalie Portman's terrifying red-eyed face imprinted on your hand forever. Wise?

弗兰西斯科外号“安哥拉惊悚嘴”,他可以将整个饮料罐横向塞进嘴里。Known as the Angolan Jaw of Awe, he can fit a whole can of pop in his mouth sideways.

1993年,惊悚科幻电影侏罗纪公园展现了惊天动地的视听效果。The1993tech- thriller Jurassic Parkmay offertheground-breaking visual and sound effects.