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这里听起来有点细微差别。This is a nuance.

挑染是非常细微的。The highlights are very subtle.

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有一些细微的区别。There are some minor differences.

有一些细微的变化。There is a slight variant on there.

这里有一些细微的区别。So, there's subtle difference there.

这听上去有些细微差别对吧?Boy, this seems like a nuance, right?

你可以称之为性格特质细微比例的感觉。You can call it a sense of proportion.

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这个钻子,本身便是一种细微之处。This drill, in itself, is a fine point.

这里我还想强调另外一个细微的差别。Now I want to stress one other nuance here.

这些细微的限度不应用于小犬上。The minimum limits do not apply to puppies.

好,我这里用了一点细微差别。OK, so a little nuance that I'm using there.

这样做就是留意变化的色调和细微的变化。That's taking note of shades and inflexions.

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心理分析师细微入微得看待事物。Analysts tend to view things as more nuanced.

这些现象都很细微,应该被记下来。These phenomena are tiny, it should be noted.

云是由空中极细微的水滴构成。Clouds are formations of condensed water vapor.

小小的善举,细微的爱语,使地球快乐,不亚于天堂。Help to make earth happy, like the heaven above.

数学逻辑能够推理一些极其细微的现象。Mathematical logic can produce some great trivia.

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但是,你得注意一个细微差别。It's important to remember a hidden nuance, though.

这个声音,是最细微程度的干扰。That sound is, at very minimum, extremely annoying.

这是一个城市,你学习文化的细微差别。It is a city where you learn the nuances of culture.