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别忘了在我的毕业纪念册上签名留念。Don't forget to sign my yearbook.

请题名留念。Please give your autograph as a memento.

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鲍立抱着营寨中的一个孩子合影留念。Ly Pao holds one of the group's children.

影迷围上来要他签名留念。The fans go around him to get his signature.

吴仪鼓励大家要当好世博会志愿者,并与他们合影留念。Wu also encouraged volunteers to do a good job.

为了旅途中最值当留念的一天,谨向您暗示感激。thank you for one of the most memorable days of my trip.

我校学生与英国代表团合影留念!Picture of Tifert's students with the British delegation.

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陈子扬教师与丹麦师生合影留念。Picture of Mr. Chen Ziyang with Danish students and staff.

很多学生从“永不挂科门”中穿过,或合影留念。Many students go through the gate and take a photo with it.

结束参观并与奥比斯眼科飞机医院合影留念。Visitors finish the tour and take group photo with the FEH.

为了留念这一天,他们给它命名为“王老五骗子节”。In order to commemorate the day, they nicknamed it Singles Day.

影迷围上来要他签名留念。The film fans gathered around him and asked for his autographs.

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上山前最后一座石拱桥,在这里,我们集体合影留念。This was the last arch stone bridge. We took a photo of team here.

会见结束后,温家宝分别同每个医疗队员合影留念。At the end of the meeting, Wen took photos with each of the members.

葬于苏州阊门内,以“专诸巷”以留念。Buried Chang door, with "suzhou designed to commemorate the alleys".

三名人力资源管理学系学生在揭幕礼前与导师合照留念。Three HRM students took photo with their mentor before the ceremony.

在与这条鲶鱼拍照留念后,希拉将这条鲶鱼放回河中。After taking pictures with the fish, Sheila put it back to the river.

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马福站在他的临时帐篷前面拍照留念。Fom Mua stands in his temporary camp in the mountainous jungles of Laos.

院长王乃彦教授与我院师生在比赛场地合影留念!Picture of Prof. Wang and the TIFERT's group at the site of the contest.

八角形的灯塔是加拿大最值得摄影留念的风景之一。Its octagonal lighthouse is one of the most photographed spots in Canada.