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进口药可以直接销售吗,要不要国内批文?Imported drugs can do direct sales, not to domestic approval?

着陆许可证或者其它的批文通常需要更复杂的过程和更长的时间。Landing permits and other authorizations often require long processing times.

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那些批文中,又是以何种方式规定可能对儿童造成的灾难性后果的呢?In what ways are those issues modulated by the severity of the child’s affliction?

但是我认识一些朋友可以帮上忙,并且最后得到了省级官员的批文,最后才可以阅览这些文件。But then I asked friends for help and we got signatures of provincial party officials and it was okay.

BrightSource是位于奥克兰的一家同类型的公司,他们已获得批文在14个工厂建造总发电容量为2600兆瓦道德发电厂。BrightSource, an Oakland competitor, is licensed to build 2,600 megawatts of capacity across 14 plants.

所有木材产品皆有出产国相关部门的正式批文。All products listed here are exported under permit by the relevant authority from the country of origin.

任何情况下,灭菌方法必须与生产批文规定的方法一致。In any case, the sterilisation process must be in accordance with the marketing and manufacturing authorisations.

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“相关批文”指所有后续批文、设立批文和税收优惠,并且一份“批文”也指前述任何一项文件。"Permits" means all Additional Permits, Pre-Establishment Permits and Tax Concessions, and a "Permit" means any of them.

具体以金山区规划局“规划选址意见书”批文为准。Particulars shall be subject to the approval documents "Planning and Siting Opinions" issued by Jinshan District Planning Bureau.

今年我们在奥运前开始报批,为更容易获取批文,只能有所取舍,不邀请国外艺人。This year we started before the Olympic Games in filings , for easier access approval, can only have choice, do not invite foreign artists.

不久前,FDA兽医学中心宣称计划收回在家禽饲料中掺入氟喹诺酮的批文。Not long ago, the FDA' S Center for Veterinary Medicine announced plans to withdraw approval of the use of fluoroquinolones in poultry feed.

一开始对获得“批文”自信满满的栏目组,目前则再也不愿意多谈阿娇这两集节目的播出时间。I started to get "approval" of the columns confident group, now no longer reluctant to talk about these two episodes Gillian time of broadcast.

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从俄罗斯政府机构获得正式批文后,这个主打免费播放形式的国家网络将在2009年开始启动。The launch of the predominately free-to-air national network is slated for 2009, pending regulatory approval from Russian government authorities.

这不仅为微博带来了海量的用户和信息来源,而且,多年的信息自我审查经验也为微博赢取了政府方面的批文。This not only connects Weibo to a huge user base and content source, years of self-censoring experience have earned Weibo acceptance from the government.

数年来,也为烟台玛努尔高温合金有限公司出口国外炉管提供了大批文丘里管、法兰、管件等炉管重要附件。For many years, it has also provided parts and parcels such as venturi tube, flanges and fittings for Yantai Manoir Heat Resistant Alloys Co. , Ltd. to manufacture furnaces which are then exported.