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我们必须稀释饱和溶液来降低其腐蚀性。We must dilute the saturated solution to reduce its corrosion.

物质的溶解度是指其饱和溶液的浓度。The solubility of a substance describes the concentration of its saturated solution.

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对于盐不饱和溶液,模型参数随浓度和温度呈有规律的变化。The model parameters vary regularly with the concentration of salt and temperature for unsaturated solution.

当晶体溶解在不饱和溶液中时,分子就会在固液界面处产生相应的扩散。Crystals in an unsaturated solution dissolve, with subsequent diffusion away from the solid-liquid interface.

提出了一种可以同时测定电解质溶液中非电解质的溶解度和饱和溶液水活度的新方法。A new method for the determination of solubilities of non electrolytes in aqueous electrolyte solutions has been presented.

本文报告了题述的三元体系在20℃和40℃下的溶度和饱和溶液的折光指数。The solubility and refractive indices of the saturated solutions in the title ternary system at 20℃ and 40℃ have been investigated.

橄榄岩像玄武岩一样和二氧化碳饱和溶液发生化学反应后能迅速生成矿物质,其中一些含有碳。Like basalt, peridotite chemically reacts with carbon dioxide-saturated water to quickly form minerals, some of which contain carbon.

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采用水浴法,用仲钨酸铵饱和溶液浸渍竹炭,经煅烧,沉积物分解。The captioned precursor was prepared by water bath process according to which Bamboo charcoal was soaked with APT saturated solution.

乙酸钠是一种在很多移动暖炉内发现的化学物质,如果你准备一瓶饱和溶液,将其倒在籽晶上,乙酸钠就会猛地变成晶体。Sodium acetate, the chemical found in many hand warmers, will suddenly crystallize if you prepare a saturated solution and pour it onto a seed crystal.

在模拟预测值的过程中,采用了饱和溶液中的水蒸气压差换算成水中温度的方法。Method of vapor pressure in saturated salt solution converted into temperature in water was used in the predict value of simulating the nutrient release.

计算了表面活性剂在硝酸铵饱和溶液中的饱和吸附量以及混合表面活性剂分子间的作用参数。The saturated adsorption capacity of the surfactants and interaction parameter of the mixed surfactant molecules in saturated solution of AN were calculated therefrom.

通过测定压力、溴化钾的溴饱和溶液吸收法、气味试验等方法可以较快地进行鉴别。By measuring the pressure, saturated solution of potassium bromide bromine absorption method, the smell test and other methods, the mixture can be identified more quickly.

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折射率测定揭示出碘酸锂晶体饱和溶液的折射率随浓度和温度的变化呈现线性关系。The results of refractive index measured show that the relationship between the refractive index and the concentration as well as the temperature in the LiIO 3 supersaturation is in linearity.

当教师向学生介绍「利用饱和溶液使晶体生长」的实验时可向学生演示本动画,让学生对有关步骤有清楚的认识后才进行有关的实验。Teachers may allow students to watch the animation before they carry out the experiment "Grow crystals from a saturated solution". Students can become familiar with the procedures of the experiment.