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贪心不足的老板为获取利润而无所不为。The greedy boss stopped at nothing to gain profit.

我不可能无所不为,但我仍然可以有所作为。I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.

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人们为了得到它真是无所不为。It's extraordinary tactic people employ to obtain it.

因为这是“我的电脑我的舞台”我们可以无所不为。Because it is "my computer to my stage" doing everything we can.

征服者一路上杀人越货无所不为。The conquerors advanced,killing and plundering wherever they went.

控制权,人们为了得到它真是无所不为。Control. It's extraordinary the tactics people employ to obtain it.

相信金钱无所不能的人,常常为了钱而无所不为。Those who believe that money is almighty often stop at nothing for money.

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相信金钱无所不能的人,常常为了金钱无所不为。Those who believe that money is almighty, often stop at nothing for money.

许多人在大萧条中失去工作,迫于生计,无所不为。Many people who lost their jobs during the Great Depression had to do whatever they could.

无为是效率原则快乐原则无为是无所不为的法则。Wuwei efficiency principle is the principle of inaction is happy will do anything the law.

认为有了钱就能办一切的人,往往准备为了钱而无所不为。Those who believe money can do everything arefrequently prepared to do everything for money.

觉得有了钱就能办一切的人,每每筹办为了钱而无所不为。Those who believe money can do everything are frequently prepared to do everything for money.

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丈夫吃喝嫖赌无所不为,她总是暗自垂泪却没有办法。Although her husband is as wicked as possible, she could do nothing but weep secretly all the time.

二十世纪,艺术家们把艺术弄到了一个无人地带,任何人都能随心所欲地无所不为。In the twentieth century artists turned art into a no-man's land in which everyone could do whatever he wished.

“金融时代”和“经济学家”这两种无所不为的刊物发出了可怕的警报吗?还不太惹人注目。Were dire warnings voiced by those omniscient organs, the"Financial Times"and the"Economist?Not so you'd notice.

儒教里有知行合一的法门,就是要你明白,只要理想大善,便可无所不为。Confucianism is the unity of knowledge and practice, is want you to know, as long as the ideal of good, will stop at nothing.

有一些人,他们从此放心大胆的为所欲为,目无法纪,肆无忌惮地满足自己的私欲,杀人放火无所不为。One is that people do baldly everything as they want despite of laws to meet all their private demands, such as killing and robbing.

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老子讲道徳,徳与道合则无所不为无所不施,这是天人合一的大自在境界。I preach DS, DS is doing everything together with the Road without added nothing, which is a big comfortable realm of Heaven and Man.

日军在华中方面军司令官松井石根指挥下,在南京地区烧杀淫掠无所不为。Japanese commander of the Central China Area Army under the command of Matsui, Iwane of the Nanjing region burning prostitution ransacking heart.