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我是说,真是晴空万里。I mean, it's really sunny.

但是抬头看,天上晴空万里。But when he'd looked up the sky was cloudless.

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秋日的伦敦晴空万里,万籁透香。Fall in london has a clear and sweet-smelling sky.

晴空万里的白云飘浮床头。White clouds float on the bed-head in a sunny day.

晴空万里的爱情一般都是很快就会消失。Blue skies are generally of love will soon disappear.

通常,再东北季风控制下晴空万里。Normaly, the skies are clear during the north east monsoon.

晴空万里,湖上月光波光粼粼。The sky was clear, and moonlight was shimmering on the lake.

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二月三日星期三晴电影今天是晴空万里,没有风的日子。Wed. , Feb. 3 clear Movies Today was very clear with no wind.

那天,晴空万里,微风在明媚的阳光下轻轻吹拂。The day came blue and full of sunshine, with little wafts of wind.

印第安纳州沃巴什县晴空万里的蓝天上,太阳光芒四射地照耀着。The sun shone brightly in the cloudless blue Wabash, Indiana, sky.

刚才还是晴空万里,现在电闪雷鸣,倾盆大雨一下子下了起来。Just or clear, now thunder and lightning, torrential rain up at once.

四月的成都平原,晴空万里如洗,田野绿涛欢歌。The Chengdu Plain in April, blue skies, such as washing, the Green-Tao singing field.

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今天的天气晴空万里,心情却犹如低谷陨石一落千丈了!Today the weather clear million, mood is a trough meteorite suffer a disastrous decline!

那是一个晴空万里的早晨,我早早地从床上爬起来,因为今天妈妈会包饺子吃。That is a clear early in the morning, I got out of bed, because today mother will eat dumplings.

与65年前那个阴云密布的日子不同,举行纪念仪式的当天下午晴空万里。Unlike the overcast day 65 years ago, the afternoon commemoration took place under beautiful skies.

这倒霉的天气,刚才还是晴空万里,一会儿的功夫竟是电闪雷鸣,大雨如注。This wretched weather, or just blue skies, while the effort was actually lightning, rain fell in torrents.

晴空万里的假日,我们可以三五成群组织成志愿者小队,走进大街小巷,做一些自己力所能及的事。Skies holiday, we may want to volunteer teams, walked into organization streets, and do some of my own ability.

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一本报导游艇的杂志载文说,人们为游艇命名,最常用的名称是「晴空万里号」、「休憩号」、「珍奇号」,以及「轻快号」。A boating magazine reports that Serenity, Time Out, Serendipity, and Reel Time are some of the most popular names for boats.

好多天天气都很暖和,晴空万里,使我们有更多的机会到奥地利美丽的大山里。Many warm and sunny days, with perfect blue skies gave us more opportunities to go hiking in the beautiful Austrian mountains.

你最后一次呼吸新鲜空气,赞叹晴空万里的蓝天,驻足欣赏街道两侧树林间的美景是什么时候?When is the last time you felt the fresh air, admired the beautiful blue sky and saw the beauty in the trees lining your street?