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一个隧洞通过此山。A tunnel pierced through the mountain.

有压隧洞多采用圆形断面。Pressure tunnel used more round section.

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水荷载是水工隧洞的主要荷载。For a hydraulic tunnel, water load is the main one.

无压隧洞多采用圆拱直墙形断面。Free-flow tunnel used more round arch straight wall form cross-section.

针对盾构法穿黄隧洞施工应开展的前期工作提出了建议。The earlier stage preparation work for this shield tunneling are suggested.

介绍了构皮滩导流隧洞的设计和施工。This paper presents the design and construction of these diversion tunnels.

冒顶塌方在水工隧洞施工过程中难以完全避免。Roof fall can not be completely avoided in construction of hydraulic tunnels.

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隧洞在施工期多处发生了大涌水。During construction large quantity of karst pipe water gushed into the tunnels.

外水压力是隧洞衬砌及压力管道的重要荷载。External Water pressure is an important load for the tunnel lining and penstock.

对泥水式盾构机应用于穿黄隧洞的施工进行了探讨。The application of slurry shield machine to this tunneling project is discussed.

水工隧洞封堵堵头是水工建筑物的重要组成部分。The choke plug of diversion tunnels is an important part of hydraulic structures.

他知道他一定要找到那个洞穴,或是洞,或是隧洞,然后再从另一端出去。He knew he must find his way through that cave, or hole, or tunnel, and out the other side.

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计算了马蹄形隧洞衬砌周边的应力分布。Stress distributions along the periphery of horse hoof-shaped tunnel lining were investigated.

研究了不均匀岩土介质中隧洞衬砌的波动响应。Wave motion response of tunnel lining embedded in unbounded nonuniform soil medium is studied.

小孤山水电站引水隧洞初设阶段,采用喷锚衬砌。During preliminary period, we design shotcrete-anchorage lining for Xiaogushan diversion tunnel.

工程主要建筑物包括渠道、泵站、倒虹吸、隧洞和大坝等。The main facilities of CAP include aqueducts , pumping plants, siphons, tunnels, dams and so on.

有许多我称之为“火炮阵线”的炮兵阵地,连隧洞和掩体也没有。There are also many of what I call “gun lines” – artillery positions without tunnels or bunkers.

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详细阐述了全断面隧洞掘进机掘进技术要点和质量控制方法。This paper expounds in detail the tunneling technical points and quality control methods of TBM.

如果他试一试,也许现在他能游过那条长长的隧洞,但是他还不想试试。Probably now, if he tried, he could get through that long tunnel, but he was not going to try yet.

凫溪—金溪隧洞进口段的洞口段为土洞,是施工中的难点。Being soil cave, the entrance section of Fuxi-Jinxin tunnel is the difficulty area in construction.