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扩大了工伤保险适用范围。Insurance coverage expanded.

你不能工作是因为工伤或疾病吗?Are you unable to work because of an injury or illness?

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身为临时工的王明志没有医疗或工伤保险。As a day laborer, he had no health or disability insurance.

张艳的工伤补偿金是你单独支付的吗?Was Zhang Yan's injury compensation paid by you separately?

增加了工伤保险基金支出项目。The work-related injury insurance fund expenditure expanded.

对工人工伤,许多工厂都抚恤赔偿。Many factories compensate their workers if they are hurt at work.

所有的建筑工人都应该保工伤险。All construction workers should be insured against injury at work.

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农民工工伤保险问题亟待解决。Work-related injury insurance for Migrant workers must be resolved.

工厂蹬扩展鱼味著将增雇蛮十名工伤。The expansion of the factory will mean employment of sixty extra workers.

工伤的发生量也是同样的,取决于工作的强度和工人的数量。The burden of workplace injuries also depends on their severity and number.

管理者代表称轻微工伤未记录,未发生过严重工伤。The factory stated slight injury was not documented and no major accident ever happened.

陪客户喝酒,酒精中毒,是否属于工伤?Can alcoholism as a consequence of drinking with clients be deemed a work-related injury?

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工厂没有明确定义工伤待遇,也没有定义医疗期待遇。员工请病假会被扣薪。No definition the treatment, the employees ask for leaving will be deducted from the salary.

完善失业、工伤、生育保险制度。We will improve the systems of unemployment, workers' compensation and maternity insurances.

在工伤事故救济中,民事人身损害赔偿和工伤保险是两个基本的救济制度。Among the reliefs, civil damages and industrial injury insurance are two basic relief system.

第四条用人单位应当为本单位全部职工缴纳工伤保险费。Article 4 An employer shall pay work-related injury insurance premiums for all its employees.

研究中的患者就为创伤后就诊于急诊科的患者,包括发生车祸及工伤者。After three months, three of the eight patients in the placebo group were diagnosed with PTSD.

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随着中国工伤保险制度的不断发展和完善,职工的合法权益得到了保证。However, there is no any regulation of insurance concurrence within the legal system of China.

用人单位不支付的,从工伤保险基金中先行支付。The employing units of no payment, from inside fund of inductrial injury insurance such payment.

统计表明,在不出任何工伤意外的情况下,一个普通人都需要330年才能完成这些工时。Statistically, it takes an average person 330 years to clock such man-hours without any injury occurring!