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圣诞节的早晨!Christmass morning!

早晨起不来?Not a morning person?

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静谧的早晨。The morning is quiet.

每天早晨要问候我。Geet me every morning.

大约在早晨两点钟。About two in the morning.

早晨的阳光放光芒。Morning glory in the sun.

公鸡在早晨啼叫。Cocks sing in the morning.

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我今天早晨醒得很迟。I awoke late this morning.

早晨开始变得冷飕飕的了。The mornings begin chilly.

想想早晨的情形。Think about your mornings.

你赢得了我们的早晨特奖!You won the morning prize.

昨天早晨,And then yesterday morning,

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那天早晨我睡过了头。I'd overslept that morning.

一个春光明媚的早晨。It's a warm spring morning.

她今天早晨搬走了。She moved out this morning.

你早晨做早操吗/锻炼吗?。Do you do morning exercises?

啊,早晨好,古德曼先生。Ah, good morning, Mr goodman.

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今早晨雾迷漫。How foggy it is this morning!

我曾经在早晨散过步。I took a walk in the morning.

哦,多么美丽的早晨。Oh, what a beautiful mornin'.