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拉登是布什的肉中刺。Laden is the thorn in Bush's flesh.

例2那个问题是他们的肉中刺。That problem is a thorn in their flesh.

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他的朋友已变成眼中钉肉中刺。His friend has become a thorn in his side.

灰姑娘是她后母的眼中钉肉中刺。Cinderella is the thorn in her stepmother's flesh.

由于与官僚作风做斗争,她是眼中钉、肉中刺。She was a thorn in the bush, as she fought with officialdom.

我知道。苏说她老公“使她脖子痛”,像“肉中刺”。I know. She calls him a pain in the neck and a thorn in her side.

在他那时代,他一直是当局的眼中钉,肉中刺。He had been a burr under the saddle of the government in his time.

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朱丽叶是他异父长兄的妻子,对他来说,也是无法忍受的肉中刺。Julia was his eldest step-brother's wife, and a thorn in his side.

意识是比起肉中刺更为令人烦恼。Consciousness is much more than the thorn, it is the dagger in the flesh.

他们想拔掉这根肉中刺是不足为怪的。It is not surprising that they should seek to remove this thorn in their side.

他是一个不留情面的活动家,几年来一直是政府的眼中钉肉中刺。A relentless campaigner, he was a thorn in the government's side for a number of years.

吕布说,“曹公啊,你最视为眼中钉的肉中刺的不就是我吕布吗?" LUI Bo said, "Tso ah, you as a thorn in the side of most of the flesh of my LUI Bo is not it?

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达赖喇嘛一直以来是中国得到国际社会各界尊敬和认可的眼中钉肉中刺。The Dalai Lama is a constant irritant in China's efforts to achieve full international respectability.

我们之所以能作为群居动物生存下来,就是因为我们视自私自利为眼中钉、肉中刺,对违反公众利益的行为严惩不贷。We’ve survived as social animals because we are so good at spotting selfishness and punishing antisocial behavior.

美国以及其他西方国家早已将利比亚的统治者视为眼中钉,肉中刺,他们早已打算将其连根拔掉。The US and other Western countries have long regarded the Libyan ruler as a thorn in their flesh that, they believe, should be uprooted.

中国中部山区的一位足疗师如今成为这个国家许多网民心中的英雄,但对于很多官员来说却是个肉中刺。A PEDICURIST in a mountain town in central China has become a heroine to many of the country’s internet-users and a bane to many bureaucrats.

但大多数红衫军还没有被抓起来,他们的领袖仍然可以领导他们运动,他们还是政府的眼中钉肉中刺,战争远未结束。Most of the red shirts are still out there, with sufficient leaders to keep the movement together, and a danger to the government. This war is not over.

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费爵爷说,“你有日程满满的比赛要打,结果忽然被一场在不知道叫什么名字国家举行的热身赛所打乱,这根本就是所有人的眼中钉肉中刺。”You have all these fixtures and you have the intrusion of a friendly international game in some unknown country, so that is a definite thorn in everyone's flesh.

常有忙不完的临时任务,一拖再拖导致了团队进度延后,成为众人的眼中钉肉中刺,不善化解。Many temporary tasks which cannot be finished will trouble you, which may delay the schedule of teamwork. Therefore, it will be the thorn for many people, and is difficult for solving problem.