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没错,一个五脏俱全的扳手。Yeah, there is a real wrench out there.

麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。The sparrow may be small, fully-equipped.

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怎么样,小小地方五脏具全哟。What a small place with various functions.

治疗上宜从五脏辨证论治。Syndrome differentiation and treatment should be form five viscera.

还分析了情志的产生与五脏和心神有关。It analyses the development of emotions relates to five organs and mind.

五脏与形体诸窍联结成一个整体。The five zang-organs, the body and all the orifices form an organic whole.

概言之,这些人从来不会觉得小的东西就没有存在的价值,他们知道麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。In general, they think that everything is of value in spite of its small size.

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麻雀虽小五脏具全,可不,我家就是这样的。Although spadger is small, completely of the whole, don't have my house is like this.

这五大类德炁能量又分别滋养体内五脏之中的神。The five types of De energy nourish the Shen of the five internal organs, respectively.

五脏的共同生理特点是化生和贮藏精气。The common physiological function of the five zang-organs is to transform and store essence.

其中,“肺应秋”为“五脏应时”理论的一个重要组成部分。And "Lung Correspondence to Autumn" is an important content of "Five-Zang proper to the season".

不可吃生的,断不可吃水煮的,要带著头、腿、五脏,用火烤了吃。Do not eat any of it raw or boiled in water, but roasted, its head with its legs and its inner parts.

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不可吃生的,断不可吃水煮的,要带着头、腿、五脏,用火烤了吃。Do not eat the meat raw of or cooked in water, but roast it over the fire-head, legs and inner parts.

从中医病机上看,以上疾病都可归在五脏气机的“郁”与“虚”上。From the TCM, the disease can be more than five internal organs to the air-in the "Yu" and "virtual" on.

要把羊切成块子,洗净五脏和腿,连块子带头,都放在一处。Cut the ram into pieces and wash the inner parts and the legs, putting them with the head and the other pieces.

根据五脏和目窍的相关理论来治疗风牵偏视,可以取得较好的疗效。Under the relative theory between eye and five organs, to treat windy sight deviation can get good cure effect.

猴头菇又名猴菇,性平、味甘,有利五脏、助消化、补虚损的功效。Hericium erinaceus with alias of monkey mushroom is natured and sweet, benefitting for internal organs, digest and weak.

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而Poleis,希腊城市的复数形式-,或者Polises都可以,the,poleis,or,the,polises,比那小得多,但是五脏俱全。The poleis--that's plural for a Greek city-- Poleis they were much smaller than that, but they would have several things.

五行与五脏的配属经过了一个从哲学到医学的转变过程。The relationships between the five elements and five organs were described in different ways in philosophy and in edcine.

珍妮很讨厌自己又矮又小,但是她妈妈总是告诉她,麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。Jenny always hates to be so short and tiny. However, her mother always says to her that best things come in small packages.