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也是下杂鱼的同义字。Also used synonymously to trash fish.

您能给我一个闲暇的同义字吗?。Can you give me a synonym for leisure?

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当你开始研究的时候,你可以使用同义字辞典。When beginning your research, start with a dictionary of synonyms.

对于细节的留心。这使得法国成为“好品味”同义字。French attention to detail that has made France synonymous with good taste.

很多程序员把这两个术语视为同义字。Many programmers use these two terms, parameters and arguments, as synonyms.

一个同义字就是当你不记得怎麽拼写你原先想到的那个字时会去用的东西。A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the word you first thought of.

想不起一个英文单字时亦一个同义字或同义词替代。If I can't think of an English word I use a word or phrase that means the same thing.

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买办变成富有的同义字,以及小店主们必须敬畏看待的权势象徵。The comprador became a synonym for wealth and was a lordly figure on whom petty shopkeepers looked with awe.

使人惊奇的是,除了第九十及一二二节外,每一节都提到上帝的律法,或是同义字中的一个。Amazingly, every verse, with the exception of 90 and 122, mentions the Law of God, or one of its ten synonyms.

通过考查同义字,我们也可以学到字词意思的其它方面内容,这些字词的意思大约相近。We can also learn some things about word meanings by examining SYNONYMS, which are words that mean something similar.

我觉得千千万万的同义字和词类在我身体里翻腾,'他说,'我非发表一次演说不可。I can feel millions of synonyms and parts of speech rising in me, ' says he, 'and I've got to make a speech of some sort.

分别热衷和兴奋似乎有点奇怪,尤其是当字典里头表示它们是同义字时。It may seem strange to distinguish between enthusiasm and excitement, especially when dictionaries present them as synonymous.

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分类模式可能包括常用字、同义字、相关字,甚至可能利用特殊的规则,辨识出高层次的观念架构。These patterns may include common words, synonyms , related words or even high-level conceptual themes that are identified using special rules.

它让用户可以创建新的单词项、得到给定单词的定义、得到给定单词的同义字、查询单词的词性以及删除单词。It will allow users to create new word entries, obtain the definition of a given word, obtain synonyms of a given word, query for a word's part of speech, and remove words.

用于在CS帮助文档中区分文本,最终输出帮助文件的不同部分RTF源文件。如同义字,标题栏和普通文本。Styled markup is used to differentiate text in the CS Help source RTF file for the different parts of the final output help file, e. g. synonyms, topic headings and normal text.