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这同样影响美国的本土银行The same thing affected U.S. Banks as well.

这种源自美国的理论能在中国本土扎根吗?Can the US-born "Queer theory" be "Chinese"?

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扎西东知是非常著名的本土歌手。Tashi Dhondup is a very popular folk singer.

机器耐洗,都是在美国本土制造。Machine washable and proudly made in the USA.

扎西东知是非常著名的本土歌手。Tashi Dhondup was a very popular folk singer.

地热资源是本土绿色可再生能源。Geothermal resources are clean and recyclable.

我们必须复兴本土的手工艺,“他说。It was to revive local artisanship, " he said.

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这种非本土的伪粘虫现在快速蔓延。Nonnative Armyworms are now spreading rapidly.

我们已经决定在中国本土设立很多办事机构。We've decided to have a lot of offices locally.

去美国本土的某个地方。somewhere within the U.S., the continental U.S.

而如今,如果还有的话,也只有很少的纯种本土灰鸭种群还在继续存在。Now few, if any, pure native populations remain.

士兵明日将启航返英国本土。The soldier are sailing for old Blighty tomorrow.

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那里面有很多本土设计师的品牌,that has local designers that they shop at a lot,

业绩不错,但是本土的竞争对手已经虎视眈眈。Not bad, but local rivals are chomping at its tail.

欢迎使用香港本土文学大笪地维基!Welcome to Hong Kong Literature Platform Wikipedia!

本土膳食主义者是一些食用本地产食物的人。A locavore is someone who eats foods produced locally.

中国本土的汽车制造商也在开足马力提高产能。China's own automakers are also revving up production.

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我爸爸是中国本土人,而我妈妈却是英国人。My father is a local Chinese and my mother is English.

我的妻子是原住民,也就是美国本土人。My wife is indigenous, that's a native original American.

粗俗的,庸俗的,普通的,通俗的,本土的。We should rid ourselves of the vulgar ways of logrolling.