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阿齐兹饶有兴味地注视着他。Her eyes twinkled with amusement.

不幸的婚姻使我们兴味索然。The unhappy marriage disgusted us.

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他饶有兴味地看着我。He looked at me with some amusement.

人们饶有兴味地等待着结果。The result is awaited with interest.

他慢慢地点头,一副饶有兴味的神态。Slowly, with an air of amusement, he nodded.

艺术的兴味,改革社会的精神”。Art interesting, the spirit of social reform.

因此,十三世达赖喇嘛是饶有兴味的。Therefore the 13th Dalai Lama was interesting.

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祂创造了小男孩,让他浑身是劲和兴味。He created little boys, full of spirit and fun.

他们怀着浓重的兴味倾听着演讲者。They listened to the speaker with profound interest.

吴代表似乎对丝兰很感兴味!Wu representative seems to relish Abram was feeling silk!

社交聚会使他兴致勃勃,可她似乎兴味索然。Parties switched him on but they seemed to switch her off.

这仪器中文名叫“饺子”,兴味是肉馅面食。It is called "Jiaozi" in Chinese, it means meat their dumpling.

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路上,大山公兴味盎然,不一会儿就来到了姑娘家门口。Road, mountain male fascinating, soon came to the door of a girl.

你的价钱太高,买方没有兴味还盘。I'll respond to your counter-offer by reducing our price by three dollars.

捕捉到如此美丽的一刻既令人激动,又饶有兴味。Capturing such a beautiful moment can be exciting as well as a fun activity.

如果你在不断地学习新的内容,普通是不会兴味索然的。If you're constantly learning new things, you'll be less prone to disinterest.

兴味呢“,组建一座城的其它要素呢“Where are the relishes," "? he asks. "Where are the things that make up a city?"

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汤姆是个十分猎奇的男孩,他不只对“是什么”感兴味,而且也对“为什么”和“怎样会”感兴味。As a very curious boy, Tom is interested not only in whats but also in whys and hows.

实际上,你会感到这种经历是饶有兴味的,你会想要再做更多的演讲。In fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you ask to make more speeches!

这里有许多本人们感兴味的产品,为了满足下年的供给本人们要订购它们。There are a number of products that I am interested in ordering for my next year supply.