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从美国政府的密电就可看出这种趋势。Such the tendency is seen in the US' secret massages.

密电显示,其中一次游说涉及到双方最高领袖。One pitch came from the highest levels, the cables show.

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密电门的余波让首次让公众一窥信息战的真面目。The aftermath of Cablegate led to the first publicly viewable infowar.

其中一份密电记录了巴西矿业巨头淡水河谷公司高管发出的警告。One of them records a warning from senior executives with Companhia Vale do rio doce, a mining giant of Brazil.

周司令决定带着密电去庐山面见委坐,还让毛兄替他盯好。Weeks commander decided to take the secret telegraph to lushan meet committee to sit, also let MaoXiong at good for him.

维菲尔的妈妈哈帕是当地一所高中的老师,她说她的儿子的确接通了一个私密电话。Vs mother, Harpa Hreinsdottir, a teacher at the local high school, said her son did, in fact, get through to a private phone.

该密电发于2009年7月,讲述了中国高层权贵们如何“大肆瓜分国家经济蛋糕”。Sent in July 2009, the cable describes how senior Communist Party bigshots have "carved up China's economic pie" between them.

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维菲尔的妈妈哈帕是当地一所高中的老师,她说她的儿子的确接通了一个私密电话。Vífill's mother, Harpa Hreinsdottir, a teacher at the local high school, said her son did, in fact, get through to a private phone.

他不断拨打高层主管的私密电话,再把他的手机塞给我,叫我听他们睡意正浓但很热心的回答。He kept di- aling the private numbers of top executives and thrusting his cell phone at me to hear their sleepy yet enthusiastic replies.

密电描述了地方领导人“买官”及之后谋取金融回报的种种手段。The cable describes how most local leaders have "bought" their positions and so demand an immediate financial return on their investments.

密电由维基解密截获,电文称中国不断升级的压力促成了美国财政部到中国访问,不过这是一次安抚之行。The cables, obtained by WikiLeaks, show that escalating Chinese pressure prompted a procession of soothing visits from the U. S. Treasury Department.

密电显示,一旦波音大单有被空客夺走之虞,美国政府会毫无顾忌地政治介入。The cables show that the United States government is willing to pull out all the political stops if Boeing is in danger of losing a big deal to Airbus.

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从公开的密电看,美国对俄国领导人评价不高,对俄国能否变得更民主或可靠不抱啥希望。The United States harbors a low view of the Russian leaders and little hope that Russia will become more democratic or reliable, according to the cables.

澳大利亚首相茱莉亚吉拉德已明确表示“维基解密”此次的密电披露属于“违法行为”,并信誓旦旦要配合美方将此事追查到底。Australia's prime minister, Julia Gillard, has called WikiLeaks' latest document dump "an illegal thing to do" and vowed to cooperate with America's investigation.

国务卿在国会听证会上的这番讲话,凸显美国政府密电迄今所披露的华盛顿对近年来中国全球影响力骤增的种种担忧。Secretary of State's remark in congressional hearings underlines the US' worries disclosed in its government's secret message about China's rising global influence.

不想容城司令部接到紧急密电,将有许特使携带新的江防计划来容城,旧计划作废。Do not want to Rongcheng headquarters received emergency telegraph, there will be a special envoy to carry the new Jiangfang plan to Rongcheng, the old plan invalid.

它是一种易于控制的、较理想的精密电驱动微位移作动器,具有响应速度快、发热少、体积小、质量轻等优点,在主动控制方面有很大的发展前景。It has many advantages such as quick response, small volume, little heat generation and relatively light weight, etconsiderable potential of development in active control.

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用不着研究维基泄密中关于美国认为中国的国民生产总值数据弄虚作假的外交密电,你就能感觉到北京方面时不时地出现个四舍五入十分正常。You don't need to study Wikileaks US embassy cables on "man-made" Chinese gross domestic product numbers to appreciate that Beijing can be prone to the occasional rounding error.

为了使盟军无法破译恩尼格玛密电,德军还专门制定了一套极为复杂的密码使用规则,尽管恩尼格码机本身就是极端复杂的。In addition to the complexity of the Enigma machine itself, its operating procedures became increasingly complex, as the German military wanted to make Enigma communications harder to code break.

由于日军破解了我方的密电,因此本应在榆树村得到接应的黄金部队却在这里意外的遭到了由中佐大藏耕作和少佐小泽喜八郎指挥的日本人的伏击。Due to the Japanese cracked we cables, so this should be in the elm village of gold force but here accident suffered by the Tibet farming and Mr Ozawa xi eight lang less command of Japanese ambush.