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这家电台的收听率处于最低档。He listens to the radio to hear the news.

我们不经营低档的银饰。We do not deal in low class silver jewels.

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你可以把它调到最低档然后开一整夜。You can leave it on the lowest setting all night.

我建议中低档的吧,消费者比较容易接受。I suggest low-standard, consumer is easy to accept.

大众汽车的独特构造,将潮润低档在外。Volkswagen's unique construction keeps dampness out.

你为什么把现有的小汽车折价换成低档车?大多数人都想要新一点的车子。Why do you trade your existing car down? Most people want newer vehicle.

其他一些低档的场所可能会降价,但我们决定不会这麽做。Other downmarket places might cut prices but we decided we won't do that.

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在低档场所开展工作时,很难有新的志愿者加入。In the low-end places to work, it is difficult for new volunteers to join.

顺便问一下,史密斯先生,比较低档的鞋在你们那里有销路吗?By the way, Mr. Smith, isn’t there room in your market for lower grade shoes?

如果不知时,在低档时将手上的股票贱价抛售出去,那就未免太可惜了。If we don't know the situation, it is very pitiful to sell stock at low price.

价廉质优的产品高、中、低档并存。The low price and high quality products, high-, medium-and low-grade co-exist.

尽管内饰简朴,操控性也比印度其他的低档车好不了哪儿去,刹车不够灵敏,存储空间小,但这些都不阻碍NANO成为众人瞩目的焦点。The brakes lack feel and there's little storage space, but the car turned heads.

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共同推出三大品牌系列的高,中,低档圆珠笔。Jointly launched three brand series of high, medium and low-grade ball-point pen.

一般低档镜片厚舒适性差,清晰度比中高档稍差些。General low-end lenses of thick poor comfort, clarity than high-grade slightly worse.

公司销售的产品范围从廉价的低档市场上的钢笔到进口的高级奢侈品,应有尽有。The company selled product ranging from the cheap down-market pen to import luxury item.

即使是较低档的美国表,也走得还算准确。Even some of the lower-grade American watches could be expected to keep reasonably good time.

在钝化膜上进行有机染色,可作低档产品的防护—装饰镀层。Passivation membrane in the organic dye, can make cheap product protection-adornment coating.

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加入牛骨和培根骨,低档煮5个小时。期间去除表面浮油。Add the beef and ham bones and cook on low for 5 hours. Skim any foam which might form on top.

我公司专业生产高、中、低档单面瓦楞机欢迎选配。Ispecializes in high-, medium-and low-grade single-sided matching welcome Corrugating Machine.

我们的产品高、中、低档都有,产品样式精美,价格优惠。Our products are high, medium and low-grade all products exquisite style and price concessions.