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第十,切实抓好防讯抗灾工作。Tenth, attaching importance to flood-control and disaster-relief work.

湖南电网抗灾救灾恢复重建工程全面竣工仪式9日在长沙举行。The ceremony of restoration for Hunan Power networks was held in March 9, 2008.

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灾难危急时刻的管理往往是出乎于原有的抗灾计划的。The crisis mangement of disaster does not follow automatically from disaster planning.

我们及时部署加强抗灾救灾和灾后重新修建工作。We promptly took steps to carry out disaster relief work and rebuild disaster-hit areas.

研究表明,飞播灌木林树种组成具有很强的抗灾性。The research shows that the aerial shrub species have strong component against disasters.

政府2日提高救灾应急响应级别,并派出工作组赶赴灾区,协助指导抗灾救灾工作。The government boosted its response and sent emergency teams to oversee relief work Tuesday.

水力过滤器安装运输方便,可作为抗灾救灾紧急供水设备。The hydraulic filter system is convenient to transport into devastated regions to supply water.

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谈晓芸告诉记者,她最近要去北京跟当地的慈善组织合作建立一个抗灾联盟。Tan revealed her plan to negotiate with charities in Beijing to establish a disaster-relief union.

是次研讨会的主题是「建设可持续发展社会——提升城市土地管理和防灾抗灾能力」。The theme of the Symposium is "Sustainable Development in Urban Cities – Could Science and Technology Help".

梅克保反复强调,今年我省气候异常,防汛抗灾形势异常复杂,任务十分艰巨。Mr. Mei stated that the abnormal climate this year led to complex situation and arduous task of flood control.

在抗灾现场,还有一种颜色也在闪着光芒,那就是白色。In scene of combatting a natural disaster, another kinds of color too in brilliant rays of flashing, that pale.

四是认真开展应急演练活动,提升矿井防灾抗灾水平。Fourth, carefully carry out emergency exercises to enhance the level of mine disaster prevention and resilience.

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馆内设有六大主题展览,陈列实物展品270余件、图片559张。展厅再现了救援人员的抗灾画面。The museum has six sections with 270 exhibits and 559 photos, including those of rescuers, which line the halls.

地球房屋在龙卷风、飓风,甚至是毁灭性的火灾里最终验证了它的抗灾能力,这也成为了有一个优势。An added benefit is that earth homes are virtually disaster proof in tornadoes, hurricanes, and even structural fires.

结果水旱灾害频繁发生,政府防灾抗灾成本过高,农民苦不堪言,强烈要求退田还湖、移民建镇、发展替代产业。After that, most farmers call for wetland filling to transmigrate and establish towns, developing replacement industry.

纽约市长布隆伯格28日一早就前往市政府应急指挥中心,了解抗灾情况。New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, 28, a long time ago to the city emergency command center, about disaster situation.

应用所提出的方法对某省电网抗灾投资决策问题进行了计算。The optimal design standard of transmission line is a key issue of investment decision-making for disaster-proof power grid.

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美国红十字会正在跟墨西哥湾沿岸有关当局一起抗灾。但是接踵而至的飓风导致资金不足。The American Red Cross is working with authorities in the Gulf. But after back-to-back hurricanes, it is running short on funds.

在2005年,他们举办了兵库行动框架--世界上第一个关于建立抗灾社会的会议。And in 2005, they held the Hyogo Framework for Action, the world’s first-ever conference on building disaster-resilient societies.

同样,与外界连通较大的房子,比如有平板玻璃窗或者车库门的,抗灾能力会相对较差。Likewise, houses with big openings, such as plate-glass windows or large garage doors, fare worse than ones without those features.