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追修业习和成长。Pursue growth and learning.

其修业年限一般需四至六年。Studying for a degree generally takes four to six years.

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结业证书应当载明修业年限和学业内容。In the diplomas shall be recorded the length of study and the subjects studied.

本人会于已获批准的延迟修业期完结后复课。I undertake to resume studies following the expiry of the deferment period approved.

这两项课程均为中五毕业后的进修课程,修业期分别为三年和两年。Diploma are awarded after two and three years respectively of post-Secondary 5 study.

去贵国商学院修业成为了我国粹子们的首选之一。Going to study in your business schools is one of the top choices of Chinese students.

学生修业期满可参加香港中学会考,并可修读两年制中六课程,继而参加香港高级程度会考。A two-year sixth-form course leading to the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination is available.

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申请人须随申请书付上修业成绩单副本及证书副本。They should attach copies of their official transcript and certificates to their applications.

修业期间被退学及毕业后未依约就业之学生,必须负完全赔偿金额。The students who are expelled by the school or break the contract should fully cover compensation.

有关申请人须递交或邮寄修业成绩副本及证书副本到下列地址。They should deliver or post copies of their official transcripts and certificates to the below address.

这两项课程均为中五毕业后的进修课程,修业期分别为三年和两年。Diploma and Higher Diploma are awarded after two and three years respectively of post-Secondary 5 study.

修业证明书所载修业截止日期以原处分日期为准。The closing date of study printed on the document of proof will be the date that the penalty is imposed.

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事实上,次级大修业的需求将继续增加,会给该行业带来更多的新生事物。Indeed, demand for second overhauls will continue to rise, which could make this business much more interesting.

但同时,也为上海住宅装修业的整合及促进快速发展,提供了强大的动力和难得的机遇。But it offers a stimulant and an opportunity to development and reform of housing decoration enterprises in shanghai.

本专业修业年限为四年,修满规定的课程和学分、成绩合格后授予文学学士学位。After 4 years of study in the program and having passed all the exams, students will be awarded Bachelor's Degree of Arts.

因此这种定境不能完全等同于本经所说的将空作为一种禅修业处。Thus this state of concentration cannot be entirely equated with the emptiness as a meditative dwelling mentioned in this sutta.

修业完毕后,他争取到校方的允许,使用大学的MEMS制造设备。T. extension course on MEMS. Once that was completed, he wrangled permission to use the university's MEMS fabrication facilities.

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坚持以人为本是建筑装饰装修业生命永存的所在。Where there is persevere in putting people first, where is the guarantee of the eternal life of architectural decoration industry.

申请人须夹附证书及修业成绩表副本,以证明具备报称的学历及工作经验。Copies of certificates and transcripts in support of academic qualifications and working experience should accompany the completed application.

所需的证明文件副本包括载有中国语文及英国语文科成绩的证书和修业成绩表。The requested copies of supporting documents include certificates showing the results achieved in Chinese and English languages and transcripts.