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我把那本作文选揉皱了,揩黑了。I made the book crinkle and black with a mess.

该卷包含了他的早期作品文选。This volume contains selections from his early works.

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当我第一次自己出版文选时,我也曾有一大堆疑虑和恐惧。When I first self-published an anthology, I had all kinds of fears and doubts.

尤文选出他们的新主帅之后,现在这种处境就会变得清晰明朗起来。When Juve pick their next tactician, we will all have a clearer idea of the situation.

第二部分,首先简单介绍一下文选型教材的“选文类型”。The second part, first, a brief selection of teaching materials for the text, "select the text type."

今天,文选麦运行在她的Meerwala村里的学校,并致力于促进妇女的权利。Today, Mukhtar Mai runs a school in her village of Meerwala and works to promote the rights of women.

除了约翰启示录仍然不在,一些东方和中东教会的经文选或正典里。Except that the Revelation of John is still not part of the lectionary or canon in some Eastern and Middle Eastern churches.

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论文选取出合适的大豆蛋白,研制出不同类型的双蛋白奶及乳饮料,并对工艺参数进行优化。This paper chooses proper kinds of protein for milk and milk beverage, and also optimizes parameters of the preparing technology.

本文描述了一种基于实例比较,辅以语义模式匹配的英文选词模型的设计。This paper describes a model of English lexical selection, based on example comparison and with the help of semantic pattern match.

恭喜四位三年级的商管生,在大专工管论文选决赛2009中,荣获亚军及观众最喜爱奖。Hurray for four Year 3 BBA students who won the First Runner-Up and Best Audience Choice Award in the KPMG Business Administration Paper 2009.

他根据自己的阅读经验为子弟开出一些导读书目,并编了文选读本。He list the bibliography on advising to read on the basis of the reading experience of himself, Moreover edited the anthology and chrestomathy.

本文选载了若干用单板机绘制的电路图,说明应用单扳机绘制科技书刊插图速度快、质量高、效果好。Several figures of electrical circuits drawn by a single-board computer show that such figures can be readily drawn with high speed and quality.

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解决的办法是这些作家们不能仅仅只卖电子书,他们还要卖未删节的版本,笔记、短篇小说、有声版本,文选等等。The solution for authors is to sell more than just the book. They sell the uncut version, or the notes, the shorts, an audio version, an anthology, etc.

由于双脊喇叭天线不仅具备超宽带特性,还具有体积小、增益和口径效率高等优点,因此本文选双脊喇叭天线作为所要设计的超宽带天线。Since the double-ridged horn antenna owns many seductive characteristics, such as ultra broadband, relatively small size, high calibre efficient and gain etc.

显然斯蒂文选择了离开。之前曾被租借到巴恩斯利队,年轻的斯蒂文决定去斯旺西队碰碰运气。It transpires that Steven indeed chose to look elsewhere. After previously having spent a period on loan at Barnsley, young Steven decided to try his luck at Swansea.

该文选取湖北省国有建筑业1983-1997年的相关数据,运用TSP软件包进行分析处理,构造出国有建筑业发展的生产函数。By using TSP software, this article constitutes a Cobbe-Douglas function on the development of Hubei national-architecture based on the relative data from the year 1983 to 1997.

而俄罗斯主教练艾德沃卡特也将因伤缺席顿涅茨克之战的阿尔沙文选进了国家队准备对比利时的比赛。Russia coach Advocaat also hit out at Wenger after naming Andrey Arshavin in a provisional squad to face Belgium, even though he missed the defeat at Shakhtar Donetsk due to illness.

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为促使英语专业毕业论文选词用字的规范化,基于人文学科学术论文的文体要求,归纳了选词用字的避用原则。This paper focuses on the avoidance of words, based on the thesis style required in the humanities. It is intended to standardize the choice of words in thesis writing for English majors.

绝大多数教材阅读之外的教材部分,虽然继续采用非文选单元编排方式,但较以往有较大改变。Although almost all the textbooks outside the reading-textbooks continue to adopt the compiling model for non-selected articles, they have much bigger change than the textbooks in the past.

如今我已是个MargeryJones.com上365章连载小说的作者,今年六月哈珀·柯林斯出版社还会出版一本我的微型小说文选。I am the author of a 365-part fiction serial running at, and I have a piece of microfiction being featured in an upcoming HarperCollins fiction anthology on sale this June.