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光阴和爱情皆一去不返。Time never goes backword, like love.

即使有一天你一去不返,我也会等候。Even if someday you do not, I will wait.

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也许有一天,我一去不返。And some day I might not come back at all.

我们用洋油的日子一去不返了。Gone are the days when we used the foreign oil.

中国依赖外国石油的日子已一去不返了。Gone are the days when Chine had to depend on foreign oil.

那么清纯的恋情,甜涩的滋味,一去不返。So pure romance, sweet and astringent taste, never returned.

丁俊晖没能够获胜,以往一人主宰的日子已一去不返。Ding won't dominate, gone are the days of one person dominating.

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一纸文凭定终身的时代一去不返。Gone are the days when a diploma determines your life-time fate.

奥巴马说,美国给巴基斯坦开“空头支票”的日子一去不返了。Obama said that the days of the US giving Pakistan a blank cheque were over.

人们一坐几个小时去聆听杰作的时代已经一去不返了。Gone are the days where people would sit for hours listening to masterpieces.

1928年,一个军阀火烧了少林寺,从此它的光辉岁月一去不返。By 1928, when a warlord set fire to the complex, its glory days were long gone.

他的家人,以及热带阳光下田园诗般的惬意生活就这样一去不返了。His family, and the lazy, idyllic days under a tropical sun, were gone forever.

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花儿谢了还会再开,但是我们的青春却一去不返。The flower will bloom if they are weather , but our youth will never come back.

乔里恩看出,那种同游共赏的平静乐趣已经一去不返了。The tranquil enjoyment of things in common, Jolyon perceived, was gone for ever.

这意味着这笔资金不仅是下落不明,而且可能一去不返。All of which means the money might not just be missing, it could be gone for good.

在这后信用危机的世界里,长期、稳定、大批量供货的好日子一去不返了。In the post-credit-crisis world, the days of long order backlogs may be behind us.

旅游业的迅猛发展,使曾经的“无烟工业”一去不返。The rapid development of tourism has made the so called No Pollution Industry the past.

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曾经光荣的英雄们和伟大的王公们都一去不返了。The hour of new heroes has come, when the throne of the Grand Principality became empty.

芳草鲜绿、繁花亮丽的时光已一去不返。Though nothing can bring back the hours of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower.

她温柔地招手,并轻呼你的名,但跟她走的都一去不返了。Her hand gently beckons , she whispers your name─but those who go with her are never the same.