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不要冷眼旁观看着你的朋友堕落。Never gloat over the ruin of your friend.

世俗的荒凉,我却冷眼旁观。Secular ruined, though I will look on coldly.

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改变的速度飞快,而你不能冷眼旁观。The pace of change is rapid, and you can't sit on the sidelines.

在充斥着冷嘲热讽的的社会中,青年人可以冷眼旁观并嘲讽道,‘别人可以,我们为什么就不可以?In a society drenched with cynicism, young people can look at it and say, 'Why shouldn't we?

主义者对人民的事业总是抱着冷眼旁观的态度。Such petty-bourgeois individualists always look coldly from the side-lines at the people's cause.

这种小资产阶级个人主义者对人民的事业总是抱着冷眼旁观的态度。Such petty-bourgeois individualists always look coldly from the side-lines at the people's cause.

她渐渐地开始独立,这使她更加有勇气冷眼旁观,她觉得自己很想说些难听的话。Her dawning independence gave her more courage to observe, and she felt as if she wanted to say things.

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星星是美的,可是他们什么事情都不能积极参与,他们永远只能冷眼旁观。Stars are beautiful, but they may not take an active part in anything, they must just look on for ever.

这世界不会被那些作恶多端的人毁灭,而是冷眼旁观、选择保持缄默的人。This world is not the perpetrators to destroy, but sit on the sidelines, people choose to remain silent.

而中国正扮演着这样的角色。或许十年前冷眼旁观中国收复香港主权的人们不会再次陷入迷局。Maybe those watching China celebrate its new power in Hong Kong ten years ago were not looking in the wrong direction after all.

我认为,民主党人几乎会欢呼奥巴马讲的每一句话,而共和党人多半都会冷眼旁观。The Democrats will cheer almost every sentence, and the Republicans, for the most part I think, are going to sit on their hands.

角色常具有复调特色,他们受困在罪恶的宿命中,而神冷眼旁观角色的苦难,未曾伸出援手。The characters get trapped in the fate of sins, with God giving no hands on the sidelines and watching coldly at their sufferings.

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女性的边缘叙述和同性恋者的边缘叙述体现了朱天文小说冷眼旁观人生的叙述特色。In this article the narrative characteristics in Zhu Tianwen's novels ale shown in terms of the women fringe perspective and the fringe narration of homosexuals.

2011年11月15日,林登霍夫“占领阅兵广场”运动成员冷眼旁观苏黎世防暴警察的驱逐行为。Members of the Occupy Paradeplatz movement look on as Zurich riot police officers stand guard during their removal from the Lindenhof in Zurich, on November 15, 2011.

那些冷眼旁观的人没有认识到他们脚下的大地已经移动——那些长期以来空耗我们的精力的陈腐政治观点已经过时。What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them — that the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long no longer apply.

如果让这类捕猎继续,法罗政府的行为无疑是对于自己民众的健康置之不理,同时又对鲸鱼们所蒙受的残忍行为冷眼旁观。By allowing these hunts to continue, theFaroese Government is callously ignoring both this proven threat to the healthof its citizens and the unchecked cruelty inflicted on the whales.

在调停过程中,大会主席冷眼旁观,怒视着会场行动,不时转身征求秘书处意见,却没有给予发言者应有的礼貌而恰当的注意。During the interventions, the chairman looked on, glaring at the proceedings, turning now and then to consult the secretariat. No courtesy nor proper attention were accorded to the speakers.

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经济学家给出种种理由说明中国为何情愿冷眼旁观全球金融混乱,反而关注保护自己的经济,通过拉动内需来维持经济增长。Economists give a number of reasons why China prefers to sit on the sidelines of the global turmoil, focusing instead on protecting its economy and maintaining growth powered by consumers at home.

新任州长在其前任颇为不忿的冷眼旁观下,开始了20分钟的就职演讲,他说纽约州仿佛经历了“黄粱一梦,这一睡就是近十年”。With his predecessor, George E. Pataki, gamely looking on, Governor Spitzer said in his 20-minute inaugural address that New York, "like Rip van Winkle, " had "slept through much of the past decade.