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闪光的纷歧建都是金子。Bll that glitters is not gold.

闪光的不一建都是金子。All which glitters is not gold.

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闪光的不一建都是金子。All stuffs are difficult ago we are easy.

唐代建都长安。The Tang Dynasty made Chang'an its capital.

建都在三角洲西部的萨伊斯城。He reigned from Sais, a city in the Western Delta.

元代建都于大都,即今之北京。The Yuan Dynasty established its capital in Dadu, now Beijing.

上古时代,尧、舜、禹都曾在山西境内建都。In prehistorical times, Yao, Shun and Yu all set their capital in Shanxi.

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第一章主要是关于郢都建都地望及年代的研究。Chapter One is mainly found on Ying Capital's location and age to the study.

历史上周、秦、汉、唐等十二个王朝在此建都,历时1100多年。History last week, Qin, Han and Tang dynasties, and other 12 in this Capital lasted 1100 years.

甲骨卜辞的发现最终使人们发现了商代后期曾建都于安阳。It was the discovery of the oracle bones which led to the location of anyang as a Shang capital.

建都天京是太平天国的理想与现实选择,也是一个具有决定性意义的历史转折点。Founding its capital in Tianjing was an ideal and realistic choice to the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom.

历史上的西安曾经是世界上最繁华的都市,13个王朝在这里建都。Xi'an was once the most prosperous city in the world. Thirteen dynasties set up their capitals here.

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北京是新中国的首都,也是先前中国历史上九个王朝的建都之地。Beijing is teh captial of New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history.

西安是古丝绸之路的起点,也是中国历史上建都最多的城市之一。Xian is the start spot of the old Silk Road and one of the most capital location in the China history.

公元1215年蒙古大军将“中都”焚毁,并于公元1267年在金首都的北部重新建都。Mongol forces burned Zhongdu to the ground in 1215 and rebuilt it to the north of the Jin capital in 1267.

“长安自古帝王都”,西安有3100多年的建城史和1100多年的建都史,历史上曾经是十三个王朝的首都。Chang'an, has 3,100 years of construction history and it was a capital of thirteen dynasties in the history.

长安城是十三个王朝的建都之地,正式称“长安”始于西汉王朝。Chang'an has been called Chang'an since from Western Han Dynasty, which is the capital of the thirteen dynasties.

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北京是有着三千多年建城史和八百五十多年建都史的历史文化名城。Beijing has a history of over three thousand years as a city, and over eight hundred and fifty years as a capital.

因此,古代的建都人与今天的哈尼族很可能有着密切的历史关系。Therefore, it is probably that the ancient Jiandu people had some historical relation with today's Hani ethnic group.

西安是古丝绸之路的起点,在中国历史上许多朝代都在此建都。Xi'an , the starting point of the ancient Silk Road, was capital intermittently for many dynasties in Chinese history.