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他们在炭火上烤火鸡。They broiled a turkey over charcoal.

他们的整片老街区都充溢着炭火的气味。The smell of charcoal filters throughout their old neighborhoods.

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我转过脸去,点头,犹如我的心被炭火的钳子戳动。I turn away my face and nod, as if my heart is prodded by fire-tongs.

不,他宁愿天天晚上见到有如炭火似的电灯光。No, he would rather have the electric imitation—coal fire any evening.

品如无路可逃,无法跳下高墙,腿被炙热的炭火烧伤。Product such as not escape, cannot jump high walls, the legs are hot coals burns.

因为你这样行,就是把炭火堆在他的头上,耶和华也必赏赐你。In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.

一盆烧得恰到好处的炭火,是姚贵文下午工作的关键。A basin of charcoal fire of proper heat will be the key to Yao's work in the afternoon.

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接着奥尔良烤翅端上来跟掉进过炭火里一样焦,乌漆抹黑。Orlean then served with grilled wings fell into a charcoal fire in the same focal, dark.

他们上了岸,就看见那里有一堆炭火,上面有鱼有饼。When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.

使用完请确认炭火熄灭后,将垃圾集中放置于食材篮内。Please extinguish all fire and put all litters in the food basket before leaving the site.

一炉炉熊熊的炭火,为今年流行的吃,点缀起怀旧的气氛。Nostalgic braziers of glowing charcoal are a popular hit with this year's eating out crowd.

想要什么,就有什么,暖融融的炭火,连晚餐都备好了。And in it everything a body could desire, including cosy coal fire and supper standing ready.

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守岁时,要把火盆的炭火烧得红红火火,以象征生活岁岁兴旺。Shou sui, want to put the brazier burning coals of the thriving, symbolizing the life happiness.

炭火的热力,让坚硬的豆腐迅速膨胀,这很容易让人联想到发酵的面团。The tough tofu quickly inflates in the heat of charcoal fire. It reminds people of fermented flour.

静静地用炭火慢慢煨着,烤着,一缕缕浓浓地茶香,就散逸飘飞在古老乡村地上空。Roast and bake over a slow charcoal fire. The strong scent of tea fills the air in the ancient village.

他紧锁双眉,褐色面孔阴沉沉的,在通红的炭火的光亮中清晰可见。His brown, morose face, with its sullen brows, could be clearly seen in the light of the glowing embers.

他们上了岸,就看见那里有炭火,上面有鱼,又有饼。As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread.

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杰克把炭火放进他自己雕刻的白萝卜里作为灯笼,用以驱赶恶灵。Jack placed a piece of coal into a carved-out turnip and used it as a lantern to keep the evil spirits away.

午餐是烧烤羊肉,香喷喷的大块烤肉端咝咝作响,就象在炭火上的恶魔似的。There where barbecue mutton-chops for lunch, huge, savory hunks of meat sizzling like the devil over charcoal.

蒸两次,也用大麦作为材料,用炭火薰干,赋予苏格兰独特的烟熏风味。Distilled twice. Also uses barley, which is dried over peat fire, giving scotch it’s characteristic smoky flavor.