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避免吃海鲜。Avoid seafood.

我喜爱吃海鲜。I like seafood.

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鱼及海鲜。Fish and seafood.

我们都喜欢吃海鲜。We all like seafood.

喜欢吃海鲜吗?。Do you care for seafood?

她从来不吃海鲜。She doesn’t touch seafood.

您喜欢吃海鲜吗?Well, do you like seafood?

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吃海鲜时,我喜欢放姜一起吃。I like seafood with ginger.

橄榄油是海鲜饭的基本佐料。Olive oil is basic to paella.

最佳配食烧肉,烤海鲜。Best food match stew, BBQ fish.

这里整条街都是卖海鲜的。The whole street sells seafood.

我们换个口味吃海鲜吧。Let's have seafood for a change.

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在北戴河你们吃海鲜了吗?Did you eat seafoods in Beidaihe?

海鲜是我们店的招牌。The seafood is our house special.

男子吃海鲜易导致不孕Men ate the seafood to infertility

一些海鲜和锅巴。Some seafood and fried rice crust.

我们要大啖海鲜跟葡萄酒。We will feast on seafood and wine.

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你们的海鲜大烩怎么样?。How about your seafood combination?

腌海鲜只能放在冰箱里。Marinate seafood in the fridge only.

那间店只贩卖质量优良的海鲜。The shop sells only quality seafood.