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期望,他迅速地向前跃升前的包。Expectations, he quickly jumped ahead of the pack before.

这个学校的升学率大幅度跃升。This school's enrollment quotas have surged by a large margin.

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然而建筑师们的垂直跃升游戏并不太可能就此止步。Architects' vertical leapfrogging, however, isn't likely to stop at the Burj Khalifa.

为此该文提出了跃升、蛇行和螺旋三种末端机动弹道的设计方法。Therefore the paper brings forward some design methods for three terminal maneuvering trajectory, viz.

BIS调查还显示日本成交额跃升,赶超新加坡和瑞士,一举成为第三大现汇交易市场.The BIS survey also showed turnover jumped in Japan, which nudged out Singapore and Switzerland to take the No. 3 spot.

上月,马西莫夫跃升哈国第一博主,这既夸耀了自己技术知识,也显摆了他的自我推销天资。Last month he flaunted both his technical know-how and his flair for self-promotion by emerging as the country's top blogger.

另外,香港新股上市集资额跃升全球第一位、消费市道亦回复畅旺。Moreover, Hong Kong ranked first globally in terms of amount of IPO raised last year. Consumers' confidence has also picked up.

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在经历数任酒庄经营者努力之下,终于在1973年成为唯一破格由二级跃升一级的酒庄。By the previous operators of efforts to improve, and finally the only exception from the second level upgraded to first class in 1973.

整个亚洲的情况与之类似.薪资在上升,但除却大宗商品价格跃升之外,其他商品价格涨幅仍温和.The picture is similar across Asia. Wages are gathering pace, but the increase in goods prices has been modest despite the leap in commodities.

王品集团是台湾服务业的亮眼之星,在竞争激烈的餐饮服务市场里,跃升迅速,已茁壮成拥有王品、陶板屋、西堤、原烧、聚、夏慕尼、品田等10个品牌的餐饮集团。The Wowprime is the shiniest star in Taiwan's service industry. In the highly competitive dining market, it owns 10 popular brands including Wang Steak, Taoban Meals, Tasty Steak, etc.

它是其在清华大学教育教学改革和管理实践的提炼和升华,同时又是清华的治校方针,是清华大学在人才培养上取得突出成绩、迅速跃升名校的基础。Tsinghua university has made an outstanding achievement in the training of talents and become a famous university in a short time based on his thought which is the policy of its management.

耶鲁大学并不担心课程改革会吓跑学生,它相信学校今年入学申请人数的大幅跃升至少应部分归功于课程改革。Rather than discourage students, Yale believes the refashioned curriculum is at least partially responsible for a big jump in the number of applicants who accepted admission offers this year.

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渣打银行经济学家写到,”首轮强权循环发生在1870年-1913年间,其具有许多特征,包括美国经济的崛起-由第四名跃升成为全球主要经济体.The first super-cycle took place from 1870 to 1913. It had many features, including the emergence of the US economy, which moved from the number four position to become the world’s major economy.

对于拉丁美洲城市来说,跃升幅度最大的两个地方均来自巴西,里约热内卢和圣保罗都前进了22位,最终并列第87位,造成这一结果的主要原因是巴西本国货币升值25%,同时该国的商品零售价格也有所上升。In Latin America, the two biggest jumps came in Brazil, with Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo climbing 22 places to joint 87th on the back of a 25 percent rise in the currency and rising consumer prices.