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波德河隘口穿山而过。Powder River Pass cut through them.

这名徒步旅行者成功地登上了高山隘口。The hiker negociated the high mountain pass.

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隘口,两个山峰间的通路或者山脊上的裂口。A pass between two mountain peaks or a gap in a ridge.

有一天,她发现他正在海斯托依山上,倚在一道隘口上。One day she discovered him leaning over a gate on High-Stoy Hill.

斯巴达国王里奥尼达斯率领军队前往塞莫皮莱隘口。The Spartan King Leonidas led the army to the pass at Thermopylae.

这一路上都平安顺利,可是等到他们抵达山峰的一处隘口时。All was well until they reached a narrow pass at the mountains' summit.

离这以北几公里,有个隘口穿过山脉。There is a pass through the mountain range a few kilometres north of here.

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然后它们转身出来,顺着水流飘到隘口上方,看起来好像一条鲨鱼河。Then they straightened out and flowed up the pass, looking like a river of sharks.

他们来自另一个峡谷,打算穿越一系列复杂的隘口。They had arrived from another valley and were attempting an intricate series of crossings.

李剑等人在隘口前观察敌情,狼牙岭的防守甚严。Keyboard and others before pass to observe the situation of the enemy, spike ridges defense.

狭窄的隘口和宽阔的山谷从阿巴拉契亚山脉中穿过,成为伸向西部的大通道。Narrow gaps and wide valleys passing through the Appalachians allow avenues to travel westward.

路易吉说,‘大隘口两千四百米高——从这里算起垂直的高度是一千一百米。Luigi said, ‘The G. Pass is twenty-four hundred metres high—eleven hundred vertical metres from here.

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人们所称的“南部隘口”是前往西北沃土和加利福尼亚的唯一通道。The so-called "South Pass" provided the only route to the rich lands of the Northwest and California.

当我们到达隘口时,五颜六色的经幡﹐随风飘荡﹐共同欢乐庆祝。When we arrived at the pass, masses of colorful Tibetan prayer flags flapped in communal celebration.

狭路,隘口提供绕过、越过或穿过障碍物通道的路,如山间狭窄的山峡。A way, such as a narrow gap between mountains, that affords passage around, over, or through a barrier.

原先这儿只是一个狭窄的隘口,现在已宽到可以通公路和铁路,农田一直延伸到山的拐角处。Where there was once a narrow pass, there is now room for road and rail, and fields that lap round the corner.

罗杰走到连结城堡岩和岛屿主体部分的隘口处的时候,受到了盘问,对此他并没有感到奇怪。When Roger came to the neck of land that joined the Castle Rock to the mainland he was not surprised to be challenged.

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我到北极猎取白熊和海豹,执着一根长杆我跳过隘口,攀附着易脆的蓝。I go hunting polar furs and the seal, leaping chasms with apike-pointed staff, clinging to topples of brittle and blue.

八达岭长城是中国古代伟大的防御工程万里长城的一部分,是明长城的一个隘口。The Badaling Great Wall was China ancient times a great defense project Great Wall's part, was a bright Great Wall's pass.

这个充满了雄心壮志的学者跳上了飞机,很快他就开始采访阿富汗难民,与开柏隘口的战士们共同进餐。The ambitious scholar jumped on a plane and was soon interviewing Afghan refugees and dining with soldiers at the Khyber Pass.