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这是非常岁,是壁垒森严。It is very old, and was strongly fortified.

我们的防线壁垒森严。Our line of defense was strongly fortified.

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他们必须支付现金才能进入这些壁垒森严的地方。They have to pay hard cash to enter these fortified places.

内向者的营地将社交焦虑的领地壁垒森严地包围起来。The content introverts' camp closely borders the land of the socially anxious.

爱情不仅会占领开旷坦阔的胸怀,有时也能闯入壁垒森严的心灵。Love will not only occupy an Tankuo heart, but also into a heart strong defense preparations.

她们的自然联盟分裂了,伴随而来的是恐惧、顺从、抵抗、溃退和壁垒森严的互不信任。The sundering of their natural alliance was met by fear, compliance, resistance, flight, and ironclad distrust.

不同于过去壁垒森严的城邦,现代的金融中心相互的交流尤其重要。Unlike the walled medieval city-states, today's financial centres are increasingly dependent on their connections to one another.

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其实,二者有时有着共同的努力方向和认识上的某些共识,彼此间也非壁垒森严,存在着师友关系和互相渗透、转化的情况。In fact, some common direction of effort, some common sense, some mutual cooperation, infiltration and conversion existed between both thoughts.

两部门之间壁垒森严,国防部门的投资对民用部门几乎没有正向带动作用,因而需进一步加强国防部门和市场经济的联系。Investment in national defense has no positive effect on the civilian economy, so China's national defense should be more closely integrated with the market economy.

研究明代服饰问题,认为,明前期统治阶级为维护壁垒森严的封建等级制度,以服饰制度来强化统治。At the beginning of Ming Dynasty, the ruling class exploited the clothing and adornment system to strengthen its rule in order to defend the stratified feudal hierarchy.

奥巴马先生把财政刺激计划的主导权拱手让给了好斗成性的国会民主党人,坐视一个本该得到两党广泛支持的计划,沦为壁垒森严的党派战场。Mr Obama ceded control of the stimulus to the fractious congressional Democrats, allowing a plan that should have had broad support from both parties to become a divisive partisan battle.