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他们希望这间店会风靡一时,但它会吗?They hope it will be a hit, but will it?

那首流行歌曲曾经风靡一时。That pop-song had a great vogue at one time.

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石印插图本小说风靡一时。Lithographic illustrations of novels was very popular.

Flipboard成为2011年风靡一时的新闻阅读程序。Flipboard becomes the breakout news reading app of 2011.

这些是去年风靡一时的“倒立”圣诞树。These \"upside down\" trees were all the rage last year.

还记得风靡一时的数字拼图游戏吗?Remember that number puzzle craze a couple of years back?

近来黑色皮裤似乎风靡一时。Black leather trousers seem to be quite the rage these days.

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那时1984年,罗纳德•里根和垫肩还风靡一时。It's 1984 , Ronald Reagan and Shoulder pads were all the rage.

译/赵劼在虚拟机镜像中部署服务器应用程序的做法风靡一时。Hosting server applications inside VM images is all the rage today.

一款爵士乐队玩具“小詹莫”也风靡一时——这次是受男性欢迎。"Little Jammer", a toy jazz band, is also a hit — this time with men.

最后,布雷姆纳侧重点讲解了在亚洲气味营销是如何风靡一时的。Finally, Bremner focuses on Asia and how scent marketing is all the rage.

深海鱼油补剂是21世纪风靡一时、广受顾客青睐的神奇药丸。Fish oil supplements are all the rage, touted as a kind of 21st century wonder pill.

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非素食大餐——必须要有一大块肉的大餐——今年曾风靡一时。Non-veg meals, that is meals that must include a hunk of meat, were a hit this year.

尽管俱乐部风靡一时,丹纳斯说,没有几个人了解门后面到底发生了什么。Despite their prevalence, Danns says, few understand what happens behind their doors.

风靡一时的DIY潮流,鼓励人们亲自去设计和粉饰自己的家。There was a DIY boom as people were encouraged to style and decorate their own homes.

对借款人几乎没有限制的“低门槛”贷款风靡一时。"covenant-lite" loans, which imposed few restrictions on borrowers, were all the rage.

永久性的眼部纹身——特别是永久性的墨线眼部纹身——如今是风靡一时。Permanent eye tattooing—specifically permanent ink eyeliner—is all the rage these days.

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但是真正让这本书在过去风靡一时的是,它给以人们以餐桌礼仪的建议。But the one thing that truly places the book in the past is its advice on table manners.

2004年黑醋风靡一时之际,饮醋风潮开始盛行。The vinegar-drinking trend gained momentum in 2004, when black vinegar became all the rage.

更近一些的时候,贝克汉姆曾在年轻的中国球迷中风靡一时。More recently, young Chinese fans became deeply, if fleetingly, infatuated with David Beckham.