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日本是个岛国。Japan is an island country.

他们把珠宝盗窃犯从那个岛国引渡回来。They extradited the jewel thief from the island state.

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如你所知,塞普路斯是地中海的岛国。Cyprus, as you know, is an island in the Mediterranean.

我觉得最特别的要数飞岛国的居民。To my mind, the most special is the residents in Laputa.

该岛国拥有一支装备精良的海军作保卫。The island country is defended with a well- equipped navy.

旅游业和捕鱼业在这个多岛国家大大发展。Tourism and fishing are being developed on the archipelago.

这个岛国社会的法律是由当地习俗演变而来的。The laws of the island society were educed from native customs.

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英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士组成大不列颠岛国。England, Scotland and Wales compose the island of Great Britain.

但是大多数来自一些小岛国的代表对这场辩论会表示欢迎。But delegates from mostly small island nations welcomed the debate.

警方设法把杀人犯从那个岛国引渡回国。The police arranged to extradite the murderer from the island state.

巴巴多斯岛是第一个真正接受这一产业的岛国。Barbados was the first island which actually understood the Industry.

同样对风险的规避演变成了贸易保护主义和岛国劣根性。This same risk aversion translates into protectionism and insularity.

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曼哈顿,众所周知,是一个被孔雀统治的岛国。Manhattan, it is well-known, is an island nation governed by peacocks.

巴纳巴是太平洋岛国中三大磷酸盐岩石岛之一。Banaba is one of the three great phosphate rock islands in the Pacific.

刘为民最后介绍了太平洋岛国论坛会后对话会有关情况。Liu Weimin finally referred to the Post-Pacific Islands Forum Dialogue.

分散的农舍是这个岛国的一大问题。The isolated homesteads form one of the biggest problems of the island.

阿杜甘是在环礁岛国马尔代夫最大的岛屿。Gan is the largest island in Addu atoll in the island nation of Maldives.

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另一方面,日本是一个拥挤的岛国,缺乏测试核弹的空间。For another, Japan—a crowded island nation—lacks the space to test a bomb.

的第二部分是关于主人公格列佛在Brobdingnag岛国的冒险经历。The second part of the novel is about Gulliver's adventure on Brobdingnag.

提起新加坡,很多朋友会想起树立在岛国南岸鱼尾狮。Singapore, a lot of friends will remind of south island set in the merlion.