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由此,展开了将铁路改作步行道的运动。Thus, the Rails-to-Trails movement began.

这座旧房子被改作了图书馆。The old building was turned into a library.

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这个仓库可改作车库之用。The barn can be adapted for use as a garage.

这设备被改作火车头了。The equipment was modified to produce locomotives.

这些交通工具很大,不易改作新的用途。The vehicles are large and not easily adaptable to new uses.

最后,对您所做的更改作文档记录,并保存您的节文件。Finally, document what you have done, and save your stanza files.

他听说他们计划把更多旱地改作稻田。He heard that they were planning to turn more land into rice-fields.

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旧大埔墟火车站经全面修复后,改作香港铁路博物馆。It was then fully restored and now houses the Hong Kong Railway Museum.

建议将这类大赛改作校园文学大赛。The authors suggest that such contest be renamed "campus literary contest."

标示符必须是独一无二的,但是您可以把它改作与您的产品相匹配。The identifier must be unique, but you can change it to match your product.

为了好写,后来父亲把我的名字中的“承”改作“成”。"In order to write well, then he put me in the name of "for" change "into".

吸喙许多昆虫已改作吮吸喙官的一部分喙。A portion of the proboscis that is adapted as a sucking organ in many insects.

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巴斯特罗普会展中心被临时改作救灾指挥中心。Bastrop Convention Center was temporarily converted into relief command center.

在桥的中间,有座亭子,始建于清朝,大约在80多年前被改作一茶馆。Among the bridge is the pavilion, built dynasty, around 80 years ago was outfitted as a teahouse.

质检总局表示,"黑名单"里的不合格产品目前均已依法做退货、销毁或改作他用处理。The products in the blacklist had been returned, destroyed or used for other purposes, AQSIQ said.

例如,东南亚特产水果榴莲被改作能更好理解的菠萝。So, "durian, " a fruit specific to Southeast Asia, has been changed to a more widely understood "jackfruit."

她将最大的房间改作她的工作室,在这里,她接待那些要制作或缝补衣物的人。She made the largest room into her workspace. That was where she saw people who wanted clothes made or repaired.

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因为考虑想将次卧的一堵墙砸去改作衣柜,吴女士就说需要砸墙。Because tests a wall which thinks is going to lies to pound recasts the closet, Ms. Wu said that needs to pound the wall.

程序的输入和输出应改作为单独的函数而存在。这样他们容易修改,并且可以根据你的计算机系统定制。Keep your input and output as separate functions, so they can be changed easily and can be custom-tailored to your computing system.

结果4只临时性滤过器附有大量血栓,改作永久性滤过器置入术。Results Large amounts of thrombosis adhered to the inserted filters was seen in 4 temporal filters, which were replaced with permanent ones.