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还没到下课时间。It isn't time to finish yet.

好了,下课时间该到了。Okay.I think our time is up.

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快下课了。The class will be over soon.

“叮铃铃”下课了。"Jingle bell" class dismissed.

安静坐好,铃响才气下课。Sit quietly until the bell rings.

还有10分钟就下课了。Class will be over in ten minutes.

下课了,祝你们这星期过得愉快。Get out of here. Have a nice week.

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下课以后你想干什么?What do you want to do after class?

就在这时下课休息的铃声突然响了。Just then the bell rings for recess.

我想大概还有三分钟下课We have about three minutes I think.

下课时,她看起来像我们的朋友。After class, she looks like our friend.

终于下课的铃声响了,他们都冲了出去。Finally the bell rings, and they escape.

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下课时间到了,伊莎贝尔被同学们围了起来。Playtime came and Isabel was surrounded.

下课时间维特和杰森在篮球场里。He is away from the basketball court now.

今天的下课铃响早了。The bell sounded dismissal earlier today.

铃声报知下课的时间。A bell signals the end of a school period.

下课时间和伙伴出来玩,不要总在学习。Go and play with your partners after class.

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我想我要该让你们下课了On that grim note I think I'll let you go

那么就下课了,没有问题了吗?Then,we need to dismiss. No more questions?

下课时,必须把试卷交上来。Hand in your papers by the time class is over.