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病菌会侵入肌体。Germs invade the organism.

肾阴足,肌体各脏腑组织器官得到滋养。Abundant kidney-yin nourishes the organs in the body.

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急性痢疾严重伤害了他的肌体。Acute dysentery wracked and sapped life from his body.

肌体通过产生自由基来对抗衰老。The organism tries to counter with free radical production.

肌体更容易感染滤过性病毒和细菌病毒。This makes it easier to get viral and bacterial infections.

人的肌体一直处在持续饥饿的状态,这是肌体的默认模式。The body is in a state of continual hunger?its default position.

人的肌体一直处在持续饥饿的状态,这是肌体的默认模式。The body is in a state of continual hunger—its default position.

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当人们奔跑时,他们的肌体便处于紧张状态。When a person is running they are putting their body under stress.

肾阳足,肌体各脏腑组织器官得以温平和推动。Abundant kidney-yang warms and promotes all the viscera and organs.

研究发现,记忆之门会因肌体衰老或其他疾病而关闭,其结果是造成记忆力衰退。When the switch is turned off by ageing and illness, memories fade.

腐败现象是一种腐蚀剂,严重侵蚀着党和国家的肌体。Corruption is a kind of "corrosive", damaging to the state and the Party.

这使得研究人员有办法模拟出在蠕虫演化成鱼类时肌体组织是如何变化的。That gives them a way of modeling how organs changed as worms turned into fish.

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由内而外全面改善您的肌体,清除体内的有害自由基。Wholly improve your human body from inner to outside, and purge harmful free radical.

携氧红血球数量少会使肌体失去释放能量的氧气。A low concentration of oxygen-carrying red cells robs the body of energy-releasing oxygen.

党支部是构成党的强大肌体的细胞,是党的基础中的基础。The Party branch is a cell in the body of the Party and the foundation of Party foundation.

我既无法吃饭,也无法进入梦乡,我的肌体受到了癌症极为严重而紧迫的戕害。I was unable to eat, I could not sleep and was severely affected by the poisons from the tumour.

在感官上,疼痛是为了保护肌体免受伤害产生的警告机制。In a sense, pain is a warning mechanism that helps the body protect itself from harmful stimuli.

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完整的人类肌体由许多的器官,许多的系统构成,你懂的The whole human organism is made up of a collection of organs, and organ systems, you know this.

同时,有研究表明,咖啡能刺激生热作用,热化肌体,促进新陈代谢。Also, coffee has been shown to stimulate thermogenesis, which heats up the body and boosts metabolism.

牛奶会导致肌体产生痰液,特别是胃肠道癌症,痰液是他们的饲料,不吃牛奶改吃无糖豆浆,癌细胞就会饿死不再成长。B.Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract.Cancer feeds on mucus.