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与非同调性光的转移速率。Transition rate due to incoherent light.

人心若与上帝同调,怎能不高唱赞美歌?A heart in tune with God can't help but sing His praise.

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你突然注意到你是大流同调的。You suddenly notice how in-step you are with the big trends.

这些「不同调」的装置无法用在干涉仪里。These "incoherent" devices cannot be used in an interferometer.

光电处理器,非同调影像处理系统。Opto-electronic processors, incoherent image processing systems.

讨论论了R在小同调维数时的结构。The structure of R with small homological dimension is discussed.

给出群关于其子群的相对同调的一个等价刻划。In this paper, an equivalent description of the relative homology is given.

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只要电子处于同调叠加态,就会持续进动。Each electron would continue precessing as long as its superposition remained coherent.

以本法测定和对比了不同调湿剂中水蒸汽的有效扩散系数。Different diffusivities of different humidity controlling agent were measured and compared.

本文将上同调用于讨论动力学方程,得到了预期的结果。Now, we obtain expectative results by apply cohomology to discussion of Analytical dynamics.

唱法上音域宽广,男女同腔同调,男腔用假声。Singing on a broad range of men and women with cohomology cavity, cavity with male falsetto.

其中一个是发展同调的分束器,它可以将一束原子分为两束。One is the development of coherent beam splitters, which divide a beam of atoms into two beams.

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与同调论、K-理论和李群有关的技巧和概念被广泛运用。Techniques and concepts related to homology theory, K-theory, and Lie groups have been widely used.

该方法体现了拓扑学单纯同调论原理在形成多面体中的用途。The approach represents a new use of principles of simplicial homology in the formation of polyhedron.

该语言是有意不断初级程度,避免层论的上同调理论。The language is purposefully kept on an elementary level, avoiding sheaf theory and cohomology theory.

本论文主要在研究同调性复合式折射透镜的共振聚焦效应。The thesis reports on the coherent-focusing effects for X-rays in curved multi-plate crystal cavities.

通过计算,得到了此类李代数的所有的二上圈,从而确定了L的二上同调群。We obtain all of the 2-cocycles on this Lie algebra and further determine its second cohomology group.

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到了四十年代,由于环论的需要以及同调代数的兴起,模的理论更进一步得到了发展。When it came to 1940s, with the springing up of homological algebra, module theory went a step further.

实现了在保持本征值谱结构不变情况下同调谐振子的几种变形。Several variants of isotonic oscillator which can keep the structure of eigenvalue spectra are realized.

现在在加州大学柏克莱分校的汤斯推测,爱因斯坦「从没考虑过同调性」。Einstein "never considered coherence, " surmised Townes, now at the University of California at Berkeley.