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事到临头他们才会开始处理。They deal with an issue as and when it rears its head.

他本来是想向她提出邀请的,可事到临头他却胆怯得什么也没有说。He was going to ask her but he got cold feet and said nothing.

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他本来是想约她出去的,可事到临头他却胆怯得什么也没说。He was going to ask her out but he got cold feet and said nothing.

除非事到临头,否则不要提前想着它。Try not to think actively about the task before it actually happens.

他口口声声说他一定帮忙,然而事到临头他什么也不帮。He always says he'll help, but when it comes to the crunch, he does nothing.

美国人恐慌了,他们Zhidao事到临头,他们能感觉得到。The American people are terrified. They know something's coming. They can feel it.

“我要等,事到临头了才会知道,”他说,“我现在只是朦朦胧胧地意识到了它。”"I shall not know that till it comes, " he said, "I'm only half conscious of it now. "

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你如果没有思想准备,事到临头就会抓瞎。If you don't anticipate what may happen, you'll find yourself at a loss when sth. crops up.

现在事到临头,马上要去从事一件陌生的工作,她的情绪低落了。Her spirits were greatly subdued now when the fact of entering upon strange and untried duties confronted her.

但即使如此,你也应该了解家庭财务状况,免得事到临头大吃一惊。But even then, you need to remain aware of what's going on with the finances so there are no unsavory surprises.

尽管两党领导人真的同意这以去做,但是事到临头,他们又因为政治原因而当缩头乌龟。Although, leaders in both parties do agrees in substance but while doing it, they step back for political reasons.

在产品生产之前,提早规划后续的发展工作,一边按表操课,避免事到临头再匆促追赶。Plan your development work far enough ahead of production so as to meet schedules without a wild last-minute rush.

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但是,虽然我已经准备好了20个有关托尼·罗宾斯的精彩笑话,事到临头我却发现自己不想拿他打趣了。But even though I have about 20 solid Tony Robbins jokes ready to go, it turns out I don't want to make fun of him.

但现在,这一图景已经被近日来有关本次运动会事到临头才疯狂进行的补救工作的负面新闻所重击,而这些工作应该是在过去七年里完成的。Instead, its image has been battered by negative publicity about its frantic last-minute efforts to get ready for an event it knew it was hosting seven years ago.

那天在学校里我学到过,如果遇到抢劫,最好的办法是大呼救命,把你的包交给劫匪,然后尽快逃跑。可事到临头时,我把这一切都抛在了脑后。I had ignored everything I had been taught that day at school about the best way to deal with a mugging which was to scream for help, to give them your bag then get away as fast as you can.