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干鱿鱼,冻海水鱼,其它水产制品。Dried Squid, Frozen Fish, Other Aquatic.

水产土产,粮油食品。Native Produce, Cereals, Oils & Foodstuffs.

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现在,水产登陆码头充满了活力。Fish landing jetties now swarm with activity.

Schreibman把这种方法称作都市水产养殖。Schreibman calls this method urban aquaculture.

东山县源兴水产有限公司。Lite-Dongshan County Aquatic Products Co. , Ltd.

“他们不相信水产养殖,”斯波恩说。"They don't believe in aquaculture, " Sporns says.

南美洲沿海水产资源。Aquatic resources along the coast of South America.

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当地社区发展计划水产养殖。Aquaculture for local community development programme.

酒店,水产市场的高密度暂养。Hotels, aquatic products market of high-density culture.

冻鱼,冻蟹,冻头足类,其它水产制品。Frozen Fish, Frozen Crab, Frozen Cephalopod, Other Aquatic.

他说,鳕鱼学院让他成为水产养殖的信仰者。He says the Cod Academy made him a believer in fish farming.

磷是水产动物所必需的微量营养成分。Phosphorus is an essential micronutrient for aquatic animals.

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水产市场十分广阔且前景远大。Aquatic product market is very broad and perspective is broad.

运营商是大湾水产养殖,鱼类养殖公司。The operator is Great Bay Aquaculture, a fish-farming company.

欢迎您登陆大连鹿鼎水产有限公司网站!Welcome to visit website of Dalian Luding Aquatic Products Co.

水产养殖塘是人工湿地的重要类型之一。Aquacultural ponds are one of the types of artificial wetlands.

按照传统做法,水产养殖是基于权利的。An old practice, aquaculture is a rights-based approach to fishing.

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这座城市最吸引旅游者的就是东海的丰富水产。One of the city's top tourist attractions is the East Sea aquarium.

另一个障碍是用于水产养殖的土地和淡水资源不足。Another is a shortage of land and freshwater for use in aquaculture.

对水产加工品中亚硫酸盐的应用和残留状况进行了研究。Safety and residues of sulphites in aquatic products are researched.