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这就是商业盛衰的循环。That's the business cycle.

教育事业的成败关乎国脉的盛衰。Education is the lifeblood of the country.

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太阳活动的盛衰以11年为一个周期。The sun's activity waxes and wanes on an 11-year cycle.

性爱,和生活的任何其他事情一样,也有它的盛衰。Sex, like everything else in life, has its ebbs and flows.

究其因,民心向背乃是决定一个政党、一个政权盛衰的根本因素。The basic factor to decide the party ups and downs is the public mind.

这是关系国家盛衰和国民福祉的生死选择。This is a state and national well-being of ups and downs of life and death choices.

敌对两党之盛衰给两幅最优秀的漫画提供了题材。The ups and downs of the rival parties furnished subjects for two excellent cartoons.

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科举制度的盛衰,与我国文化传统密切相关。The imperial examination system's rise and fall, was closely related with our culture.

天空变幻无穷,映呈着下界的盛衰枯荣。The heavens change every moment, and reflect their glory or gloom on the plains beneath.

大臣接过话锋,滔滔不绝地谈论起古今多少帝国的盛衰兴亡。The minister took up the theme and discoursed mellifluously on the ebb and flow of empires.

名园盛衰转瞬、福兮祸伏的命运,激起的是人们强烈的时间感受和忧患意识。The calamitous fate of famous gardens stirred people's strong feeling of time and hardships.

1823年华北大水对清王朝盛衰转折变化有很深远的影响。The 1823 big flood in north China greatly affected the prosperity and decline of Qin dynasty.

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从气候数据中显示的自然的盛衰发现有长期的趋势挑战。Natural ups and downs that appear in climate data make detecting long-term trends challenging.

人才问题是关系到一个国家的盛衰和兴亡的重大问题。The problem of talents is very important to a country' s prosperity and decline, or ups and downs.

明清时期扬州是两淮盐务中枢,盐业的盛衰对城市人口的递嬗有着相当紧密的联系。In the periods of the Ming and Qing dynasties, Yangzhou was the centre of Double Hais salt administration.

在升降的交替中,道的盛衰盈亏两个力量也是如此。So do the dual forces of the Tao wax and wane in the alternation of upward and downward cycles, intercrossing.

由此造成的周期性盛衰会损害非金融经济,而经济政策能对抗这种风险。The cyclical booms and busts that result damage the non-financial economy, and economic policy can counteract this.

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中国儿童文学发展的曲折起伏与儿童本位意识的盛衰有着密切的联系。The development of Children Literature in China has closely paralleled to that of the child-centered consideration.

芜湖米市的盛衰,与厘金制度的设废有着密切的关联。The rise and fall of Wuhu rice market was closely connected with the establishment and abolition of the tax system.

唐人认为牛是耕稼之本,关乎国家盛衰存亡,是农民生活必不可少的伙伴。Tang Dynasty people think the cow is an agricultural root, relate to national peace or chaos, is the colleague of farmer.