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野战没什么说的,可以放战法就放。Field say no, you can put on the release tactics.

他是高度智能化和专家在战术和战法。He is highly intelligent and expert in tactics and warfare.

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火攻战法是中国古代战争中常用的战术之一。Fire attack is a commonly used tactic in ancient Chinese wars.

他跳下马,扶阿克斯布里奇下来,回头就再战法军。He dismounted and helped Uxbridge down and then returned to the business of beating the French.

在空战战法训练系统中,目标飞机的运动和轨迹生成是关系到系统成败的关键环节。In combat plan simulation, produce target aircraft flight track is the key factor to system's success.

边路球员的角色将是本赛季蓝军战法的一个更有趣之处。The roles of the wide players will be one of the more interesting aspects of Chelsea's play this season.

他们依仗其各方面的优势,轻视我们,固守其老一套的战法。Relying on his superiority in various respects, he took us lightly and stuck to his old methods of warfare.

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他们是终极的战士,而且在战场上用摧残一次的战法来证明这一点。They were all you would want in a soldier and proved it on the battlefield by destroying all in their paths.

而赢钱者在牌局中,故意放慢速度,以求天亮尽早结束牌局的战法。Winning in the game of poker, deliberately slow down in order to dawn, as soon as the end of the match tactics.

远程火力突袭航母战斗群战法是典型的网络中心战法。The tactics of long-range fire assaulting on aircraft carrier battle groups is the typical network-centric tactics.

其方法不仅可对战术训练效果进行评估,而且可作为自动生成新战法的依据。This method can be not only used in the tactics evaluation, but also be a criterion for recording new tactics automatically.

后来中国的军事家就用“围魏救赵”来说明类似的战法。Since then Chinese strategists have referred to similar tactics as "relieving the state of Chao by besieging the state of Wei".

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对试验数据进行了分析,从分析结果中得到正确的反弹道导弹目标的防空作战战法。The test data are analyzed, and air defense operation method for antiballistic missile target has been obtained from test results.

这一战法的缺点就是,你得花很长时间去挑选好东西,花了太多时间知道市场结束意味着很多好的樱桃早就被挑走了。The downside of this strategy is that it can take a long time to pick out the premium fruit, and by the end of the market the best may be gone.

阿根廷人的进球帮助利物浦3-1击败乌尔吉切尼晋级欧联杯16强,下轮对战法国球队里尔。The Argentine's strike put Liverpool on their way to a 3-1 win over Unirea Urziceni and set up a last 16 Europa League clash with French outfit Lille.

由于这些任务可重复,玩家可以尝试一下他们的所有单位和战法,根据他们的喜好用不同的科技树设置和游戏中的战略。Since these quests are repeatables, players can try out all of their units and experiment with different tech tree setups and in-game strategies as they like.

针对在使用中远程舰空导弹打击飞机目标的作战中,使用“近快战法”时的发射区进行了研究。The result of the study can be the consult of the further research, and it will be some help to the employ of the intermediate-long range ship to air missile.

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联合战役仿真系统是为研究联合战役中各军种之间的战法和协同而建立的基于HLA的仿真系统。The joint campaign simulation system is the simulation system based on HLA to study tactics and coordinated attack between army services in the joint campaign.

老李通知姜窦,在模仿飞行锻炼上无妨用此战法去打败汤名扬,这也是武装直升机旗开得胜的法宝。Lao li notice in imitation, ginger sinus flight on the fighting with exercise just to defeat ShangMingYang, this also is the magic weapon swept the armed helicopter.

在总结山东省临沂市7·29灯具城大火的基础上,分析了造成大火的主客观因素,提出了扑救此类火灾的战法及注意的问题。This paper analyzes causes of 7·29 conflagration subjectively and objectively and raises tactics to put out the fire of this kind based on lessons from 7·29 conflagration.