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自动墨盏式喷头保护装置。Automatic ink cup printhead protection device.

却看到了身后的淋浴喷头Instead, I see the shower reflected behind me.

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看,水从喷头里哗哗地流出来。Look at the water blasting out of the showerhead!

芳香剂瓶设有喷头。The sprinkler is provided with the aromatic flask.

他把我从喷头下推开,然后端详着我的眼睛。He pushes me out of the water and examines my eyes.

低流量淋浴喷头和低冲量抽水马桶可节水。A low-flow showerhead and low-flush toilet save water.

胶桶和喷头组独立控温。Individual temperature controllers for tank and nozzle.

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在淋浴喷头下清洗,用一块湿毛巾擦去泥。Rinse under the shower and remove with a damp washcloth.

机器在打印间隙,喷头自动闪喷。Printhead automatic flash works, while interval printing.

整机、泵浦、喷头组的气压分别独立控制。Individual air pressure control for machine, pump and nozzle.

这个瓷制鹿头喷头在2010米兰设计周上面世。This porcelain version was unveiled at Milan Design Week 2010.

与此相同,雾化液滴的滴径也随着喷头直径成线性变化。The droplet size increases with the diameter of the sprayer too.

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更高楼层必需配备消防喷头和便携式灭火器。Fire sprinklers for higher floors and portable fire extinguishers.

所有喷头的上部可以扭松,以方便清洁。The upper parts of all nozzles can be unscrewed for easy cleaning.

喷洒作业时,不得将喷头对准人体喷施。When spraying, do not aim spray nozzle at human body for spraying.

装置由降雨喷头、降雨座架、供水系统、动力系统组成。The device includes sprayer, bracket, water supply and power supply.

当我心情不好时,我可以站在喷着热水的喷头下,想站多久就站多久。When I feel bad, I can stand under a hot shower for as long as I want.

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步行小心周围的牌位、草地、花瓶和喷头。Walk with care around memorial tablets, lawn vases and sprinkler heads.

大部分田间喷灌采用通用的旋转式喷头。Most field sprinklers use a rotating sprinkler head of the general type.

一般而言,洒水器的喷头高度刚好就在土壤的水平高度。Normally, the top of the sprinkler head is just about at the soil level.